Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
- Routine maintenance
   Weekly checks
   + Car routine maintenance - petrol models
   + Car routine maintenance - diesel models
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Weekly checks


The number of procedures of obligatory regular service of a vehicle includes a complex of the elementary checks which are taking away a minimum of time, but allowing to avoid contingencies for performance by time of expensive repair.

The given checks should be made weekly and do not demand from the executor any special skills and ability to use special tools.
 -  Watch a condition and pressure of a rating of tyres - timely revealing of defects will allow not only to raise service life of protectors, but also to avoid hit in an emergency.

  -  The considerable quantity of refusals is connected with malfunctions of an electric equipment. The most typical are the infringements connected with a condition of the storage battery.

  -  Remember that first sign of occurrence of leaks of a brake liquid is infringement of serviceability of braking of the car. Regular check of level of a liquid will allow to avoid hit in an emergency.

  -  Remember that the damages connected with a lack of engine oil or a cooling liquid can demand carrying out of very expensive repair. Regularly check levels of the mentioned working liquids. Try to reveal in time leaks and to eliminate their reason.

On illustrations the main verifying points of an impellent compartment of each of considered in the present management of models of car Skoda Felicia are shown.

Petrol models 1.3 of l

And — ShChup of measurement of impellent oil
In — the Cover of a jellied mouth of impellent oil
With — the Broad tank of system of cooling

D — the Tank of a brake liquid
Е — the Tank of a liquid of washing of a windscreen
F — the Battery

Petrol models 1.6 of l

And — ShChup of measurement of impellent oil
In — the Cover of a jellied mouth of impellent oil
With — the Broad tank of system of cooling
D — the Tank of a brake liquid

Е — the Tank of a liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel
F — the Tank of a liquid of washing of a windscreen
G — the Battery

Diesel models 1.9 of l

And — ShChup of measurement of impellent oil
In — the Cover of a jellied mouth of impellent oil
With — the Broad tank of system of cooling

D — the Tank of a brake liquid
Е — the Tank of a liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel
F — the Tank of a liquid of washing of a windscreen
G — the Battery

Check of level of impellent oil

It is carried out before a trip, or after not less than 5 mines after engine deenergizing. Otherwise the oil part will be distributed on a surface of greased components of the engine and check will yield the underestimated result. The car should be parked on an equal horizontal platform, whenever possible with a firm covering.

Modern cars are very sensitive to a choice of engine oil filled in in the engine. Try to adhere to the recommendations led in corresponding Section of Introduction to the present Management.


1. Take probe the impellent oil which handle is usually painted in bright colour.

2. Dry wipe an edge probeа pure неворсящейся rags, enter probe back into directing tube (against the stop) and again take it.

3. Oil level should be between marks MIN and the MOVE on an edge probeа. If the edge of the moistened site of an edge is near to mark MIN, add corresponding quantity of engine oil of the same grade that is already filled in the engine.

4. Oil is filled in in the engine through a special mouth which it is preliminary necessary to uncover. Fill in oil in the small portions, each time checking its level on probeу and maintaining pauses, sufficient for running off of the filled in portion in the pallet картера. Continue procedures until oil level will not appear between marks in an edge probeа.

5. If necessity for updating of level of engine oil arises too often, it is necessary to check up the unit on presence of signs of leaks. Is most easier to reveal leaks it is possible, having left under the car parked for the night a cardboard blank leaf. If leaks are not present, the reason of the expense of oil its burning out (Razdel Diagostika of malfunctions of knots and car systems see) can be.

6. Try to support oil level between marks in an edge probeа (see above). Excessive falling of level can result to damage of internal components of the engine as a result of oil starvation. Excess уровневой norms usually leads to failure of epiploons of a cranked shaft.

Check of level of a cooling liquid

In order to avoid reception of burns by steam, do not uncover at all a jellied mouth of a broad tank at the hot engine!

Remember that a cooling liquid высокотоксична - do not leave opened container with antifreeze!

In order to avoid development of internal corrosion of components the cooling system should be filled by a mix of antifreeze with water within all year, and not just in winter months. Try not to suppose разжижения a cooling liquid, using for updating of its level pure water.


1. Liquid level in a broad tank of system of cooling can vary depending on engine temperature. Norm is the level finding between marks MIN and the MOVE on a translucent wall of a tank at the cold engine. During warming up of the engine liquid level can rise slightly over a mark the MOVE.

2. In case of need updatings of level of a cooling liquid wait full cooling of the engine. Slowly having turned away a tank cover, dump residual internal pressure in system.

Completely to avoid risk ошпаривания a cover before отворачиванием it will be better to wrap up rags.

3. Add in a tank in the correct image the made mix of antifreeze with water. Continue to fill in a liquid until its level will not appear between marks MIN and the MOVE on tank walls.

4. In modern cars typical for the majority systems of cooling of tight type necessity for updating of level of a cooling liquid arises only in case of development of leaks. The most typical sources of leaks are the radiator case, hoses and joints of components of the power unit interfaced among themselves. Try to eliminate the reasons of the revealed leaks immediately.

Check of level of a brake liquid

Remember that the brake liquid is highly toxic and is aggressive in relation to paint and varnish coverings - observe corresponding safety measures.

The brake liquid also extremely гигроскопична, i.e. possesses ability to absorb a moisture from atmosphere. Do not use for level updating long time a liquid stored in leaky closed container - presence in it of a moisture conducts to dangerous decrease in efficiency of braking.

In process of deterioration brake колодок liquid level in tank GTTS falls at the expense of gradual promotion of pistons of supports and wheel cylinders a little. However it is not necessary to suppose falling of level of a liquid below mark MIN in a tank wall.


1. The translucent tank of a brake liquid is located on the left partition of an impellent compartment. Marks of level of a liquid are put on a forward wall of the tank.

2. Level of a brake liquid should be supported constantly between marks in a tank wall. Before updating performance (if necessity for that takes place) carefully wipe a cover of a jellied mouth of the tank and a surface surrounding it in order to avoid hit in hydraulic system of a dirt.

3. Turn away a cover and its removal from a tank mouth is cautious. Try not to damage the float of the gauge-switch of a control lamp of level of a brake liquid built in in a cover. Lay assemblage of a cover with a float on a blank leaf of a cardboard or the spread rags, then attentively examine the tank outside. At revealing of signs of pollution of a brake liquid it is necessary to empty and fill hydraulic system with a fresh liquid.

4. Accurately add in the tank a fresh liquid from just open container. Try not to suppose hit of splashes on surfaces of the components located on affinity and a paint and varnish covering кузовных panels. For level updating use only a liquid of a demanded grade. Remember that mixing of liquids of a various grade is not admissible at all!

5. If necessity for updating of level of a brake liquid arises too often, it is necessary to check up hydraulic system on presence of the leaks which reasons should be immediately eliminated.

In the presence of suspicions on presence of leaks of a brake liquid it is necessary to refrain from car operation before performance of careful check of system.

Check of a condition and pressure of a rating of tyres

Extremely important constantly to support tyres in good repair and pumped up with due pressure - a wheel exit out of operation during movement (at any speed) it is extremely dangerous. Speed of deterioration of protectors of tyres first of all is defined by a driving manner - frequent sharp braking and accelerations, fulfilment of turns without decrease in speed, etc. factors appreciably promote reduction of service life of tyres. As a rule, protectors of forward wheels wear out a little before back, therefore timely performance of rotation of wheels of the car allows to achieve more uniform deterioration of tyres and, as consequence, prolongation of term of their service. It is necessary to notice, however, that at uniform deterioration of protectors the owner of the car faces necessity of performance of single replacement at once four wheels, what not each motorist can appear on a pocket. In this case it is better to neglect rotation of wheels and to make replacement of tyres in pairs, рассосредоточивая thereby expenditure.

Regularly examine protectors of all wheels of the car, taking from flutes of a pattern of a protector the small stones which have got stuck in them, nails and other extraneous subjects before they will cause a wheel puncture. If at nail extraction the puncture fact is elicited, insert a nail back into an aperture, having marked with that defect, then change a wheel and deliver it in шиномонтажную a workshop for repair.

Pay also attention to such defects, as cracks, cuts, swellings ("egg"), etc. which are formed on a lateral surface of the tyre more often. Regularly remove wheels for careful clearing of disks of a dirt as with external, and from the inside. Check ободы disks on presence of traces of development of corrosion, deformations and other damages. Remember that the disks made of an easy alloy easily fail at arrivals on поребрики and deep defects of a covering. Stamped disks in such situations usually are only deformed and proskating rinks on the special machine tool which is available practically in any шиномонтажной by a workshop can be restored a way. In case of strong damages disks are not subject to restoration, and their replacement becomes unique alternative.

Each time at replacement of tyres of a wheel are subject to balancing in gathering. Necessity for repeated balancing of wheels can arise in the course of deterioration of protectors, and also in a case утери counterbalances. Infringement of balancing of wheels leads to reduction of service life of protectors at the expense of acceleration of their deterioration. Besides, during movement vibrating loading on suspension bracket and steering components appreciably increases. First sign of infringement of balancing of wheels is occurrence of the appreciable vibrations especially appreciable at certain speeds of movement (usually around 80 km/h [50 miles/ch]). If vibration is transferred mainly to a steering wheel, infringement of balancing of only forward wheels hence takes place. At кузовной to vibration follows отбалансировать all wheels of the car. Balancing of wheels should be made in conditions шиномонтажной by a workshop.

Visual check of degree of deterioration of a protector


Entering into a standard complete set of cars of mark Skoda Felicia of a wheel are usually equipped by the built in indicators of deterioration of protectors. Indicators represent colour strips of rubber (), built in in an average part of a protector and shown at deterioration of the last to residual depth of a pattern below 1.6 mm. The site of indicators on a protector is defined on the triangular labels, put a lateral surface of the tyre ().

Measurement of residual depth of a protector manually


Alternatively, degree of deterioration of a protector can be defined by measurement of residual depth of its pattern by means of special probeа, to get which it is possible rather cheaply practically in any shop of automobile accessories.

Check of pressure of a rating of tyres


Check of pressure of a rating of tyres should be made regularly and on cold wheels. Performance of updating of pressure right after trip end when the wheel has not cooled down yet, will lead only to infringement of demanded parametres.

Typical examples of deterioration of protectors

Humeral deterioration

Uniform humeral deterioration of a protector (identical from its both parties) is usually defined by an excessive deflection of the tyre as a result of too weak pressure of its rating and accompanied by a tyre overheat, decrease in coupling with a road covering and reduction of service life of a wheel, not to mention the raised danger of rupture of the tyre during movement. Check up and modify pressure of a rating of tyres.

Unilateral humeral deterioration of a protector appears is connected with infringement of corners of installation of a wheel more often. It is necessary to check up immediately geometrical parametres of a suspension bracket and to make corresponding corrections.

One more of the reasons of humeral deterioration of a protector is too sharp manner of driving - reduce speed on turns!

The central deterioration

Excessive pressure of a rating of the tyre leads to more dense contact to a road covering of the central part of a protector that conducts to the accelerated operation of last. Among by-effects it is necessary to note decrease in coupling of a wheel with a road covering, increase of rigidity of a course of the car, not to mention increase of risk of unexpected rupture of the tyre. Check up and modify pressure of a rating of tyres.

Sometimes time increase of pressure in tyres appears necessary as, for example, in cases of transportation of heavy cargoes, at long driving with high speeds, etc. do not forget to dump pressure in tyres to normal at returning to usual service conditions of the car.

Non-uniform deterioration

Non-uniform deterioration of protectors of tyres of forward wheels can be connected with infringement of corners of installation of the last. To check up and modify geometry of a forward suspension bracket of the car for rather small payment it is possible practically in any шиномонтажной for a workshop.

At infringement of disorder or выбега wheels it is necessary to make necessary repair or replacement of the failed components of a suspension bracket.

Do not forget to check up and properly to modify balancing of wheels.

At infringement of convergence of wheels it is necessary to make corresponding adjustments also.

Scaly deterioration of a protector by which infringement of convergence of wheels is usually accompanied, is most easier defined to the touch.

Check of level of a liquid of washing of a windscreen

The tank located in an impellent compartment is used for washing both wind, and back car glasses.

Addition in washing liquid патентованных screen wipers not only facilitates glass clearing in rainy weather, but also raises a mix freezing point. It is not necessary to add simple water as it leads разжижению to a mix and decrease in temperature of its freezing in the tank of system of washing of glasses.

Use as the additive to a liquid of washing of glass of the antifreeze applied in system of cooling of the engine is fraught with damage of a paint and varnish covering nearby кузовных panels!


1. The tank of a liquid of washing wind (and where it is required, and back) glasses is located at the left in a forward part of an impellent compartment.

2. Check of level of a liquid is made through translucent walls of the tank. In need of updating performance uncover the tank.

Check of level of a liquid of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel (PAS)


  -   Park the car on an equal horizontal platform, whenever possible with a firm covering.
   -   Having left the engine working on the single turns, two-three times slowly turn a steering wheel from an emphasis against the stop, then establish it in rectilinear position and muffle the engine.
   -   Check of level of a hydraulic liquid is made at the muffled engine. The system should be preliminary heated-up to normal working temperature.

For a guarantee of correctness of removed indications it is not necessary to rotate a steering wheel after an engine stop.


1. System PAS tank is located at the left in a forward part of an impellent compartment of the car. Before removal of a cover of a jellied/control mouth carefully wipe a tank surface. Otvorachivanie covers it is made by means of the suitable tool filled in specially provided groove.

2. Having turned away a cover, pure неворсящейся rags carefully wipe an edge built in in it probeа. Establish a cover into place, having tightened it by hand, then again remove.

3. On size of the moistened site of an edge probeа define level of a hydraulic liquid. At the cold engine liquid level should be near to mark MIN, at hot - between top (MOVE) and bottom (MIN) marks in an edge probeа. In case of need add in the tank corresponding quantity of a hydraulic liquid of a demanded grade. In summary densely tighten a tank cover.

4. Necessity frequent regular долива tells liquids PAS about presence of leaks in the system which reasons should be immediately revealed and eliminated.

Check of a condition of brushes of screen wipers

At веденное more low the description of procedure of replacement of brushes concerns only screen wipers of a factory complete set of cars Skoda Felicia.

If replacement of brushes does not lead to the termination размазывания to a dirt. It is necessary to try to wipe simply glass with application of one of special cleaners.


1. Check up a condition of rubber working elements of brushes. In case of revealing of cracks, traces of ageing of a material and also if the brush badly clears a surface has flown down, make its replacement. Replacement of brushes without dependence from a condition of their working elements should be made annually.

2. For brush replacement take away the lever from glass in the extreme position. Develop a brush under 90 , then wring out a lock uvula and remove a brush from the lever. At installation of a new brush track reliability of its fixing on the lever. Make sure also of correctness of an arrangement of a brush on glass.

3. Do not forget to check up a condition of a brush of a cleaner of back glass.

Check of a condition of the storage battery

Do not forget about necessity of observance of special safety measures at service of the storage battery! Remember the dangers connected with possibility of reception of an electric shock, creation of short circuit, hit in eyes, on a skin and the painted surfaces кузовных panels of chemically aggressive electrolit!

  -  Make sure of serviceability of a condition of the pallet of the battery. Check up reliability of fixing of the battery on the pallet a clamping lath. Traces of corrosion from the pallet, a clamping lath and the battery case can be removed by means of a baking soda solution. On termination of carefully rinse the processed surfaces with pure water. The metal surfaces damaged by corrosion should be covered by a special first coat on a zinc basis, and then are painted.
  -  Regularly (approximately time in three months) check level of a charge of the battery.
  -  In a case подсадки batteries engine start can be carried out from the external power supply

The suspension of development of corrosion of plugs and клеммных clips is promoted by their processing бескислотным vaseline.


1. The battery is located in a back part of an impellent compartment of the car. External survey of the case of the battery on presence of cracks and other damages should be made regularly.

2. Check up guaranteeing reliability of electric contact durability затягиванияклеммных clips of wires of the battery. Clips should not be turned freely on plugs. In parallel check up a condition of isolation of wires.

3. At revealing on plugs of traces of development of corrosion in a kind порошкообразных adjournment of white colour remove from plugs clips and carefully smooth out the damaged surfaces a rigid brush. Establish clips into place and strongly tighten them.

In shops of automobile accessories it is possible to get special adaptations for зачистки polar plugs of the battery.

4. Special rigid brushes for зачистки internal surfaces клеммных clips are issued also.

Check of a condition of lamps of lighting devices and safety locks of electric chains

  -  Make sure of serviceability of functioning of all external lighting devices and a horn. In case of revealing of refusals check up a condition of electric chains (corresponding Sections in the Head the Onboard electric equipment see).
  -  Make visual check of accessible electroconducting, its contact connections and intermediate clamps.

To check up serviceability of functioning of stoplights and indexes of turns alone, adjust the car closely to a wall of garage and be guided on reflected lights.


1. Refusal of one of stoplights or indexes of turns appears is connected with blowingм a corresponding lamp more often. The detailed information on replacement of lamps of lighting devices is stated in Chapter 12. Single failure of both stoplights, most likely, will be explained by gauge-switch refusal (the Brake system see the Head).

2. At refusal more one of indexes of turns or back dimensional fires it is necessary to check up a condition of a corresponding safety lock, and also electroconducting of chains protected by it (the Onboard electric equipment see the Head). The basic part of safety locks is collected in the assembly block equipped with a cover established under the panel of devices of the car from its passenger party. The additional (built in) safety locks can settle down directly on a protected component.

3. By means of the special adaptation made of plastic and fixed on a cover of the assembly block, take a suspected safety lock from the nest and attentively study its condition. It is necessary to replace the beaten out safety lock on corresponding to it on a current strength. We will notice that simple replacement of a safety lock no means always it appears enough for situation correction, - it is necessary to try to reveal and eliminate the reason of an overload of a chain (the Onboard electric equipment see the Head).