Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
- Power shafts
   The general information
   Removal and installation of power shafts
   Replacement of rubber protective covers of SHRUS of power shafts
   Removal and installation vibrating демпфера the right power shaft
   Major repairs of power shafts - the general information
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


The general information

Power shaft design

1 — the External SHRUS
2 — the Lock ring
3 — the Bandage tape of fastening of a protective cover
4 — the Protective cover
5 — the Power shaft
6 — the Protective cover
7 — Krestovina триподной assemblages of an external SHRUS

8 — the Lock ring
9 — the Persistent ring
10 — the External holder of the SHRUS
11 — the Lock ring
12 — Vibrating демпфер (гаситель крутильных fluctuations) the right power shaft
13 — the Bolt with internal шестигранником under прутковый a key

Transfer of rotation from differential of the main transfer of transmission to driving wheels is carried out by means of two integral shod steel power shafts. The external ends of both power shafts are equipped шлицами, interfaced with шлицами naves of driving wheels of the car. For shaft fastening in a nave the big nut is used. The internal ends of shaft also come to an end equipped шлицами with the pins entering into interface to lateral gear wheels of differential. The left shaft is shorter right owing to asymmetry of an arrangement of the main transfer concerning a longitudinal axis of the car. In structure of right (longer) it is included vibrating демпфер, 105 mm located on distance from edge of a protective cover of an internal SHRUS, and intended for repayment крутильных fluctuations of assemblage during its rotation. The power shaft design is presented on an accompanying illustration. After ковки power shafts are tempered in a special way that gives them the raised durability.

From both ends of each of shaft hinges of equal angular speeds (SHRUS) are established. Hinges provide stability and smoothness of rotation of a drive under any corners of an arrangement of the wheels, caused by a relief of a road covering, and also during fulfilment of turns. As external SHRUS separator ball-bearing assemblages are used. Internal hinges have триподную a design.