Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
- The maintenance instruction
   The panel of devices and controls
   The equipment of the control panel and дефлекторов air lines, a choice of modes of functioning of system of heating/ventilation of salon - models with air conditioner
   Adjustment of rear-view mirrors
   Control lever РКПП
   The salon equipment
   Seat belts
   Operation receptions
   Trailer towage
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment



The general instructions

The jellied mouth of a fuel tank is located in the right back part of the car.

Having turned on the left the main key in the lock of a locked cover of a mouth of a fuel tank, turn on and remove last. The removed cover can be fixed on the brink of a folding door of the hatch of a mouth.

The capacity of a fuel tank varies depending on model. On carburettor models the tank volume makes 47 l, on the models equipped with system of injection of fuel, - 42 l.

The first switching-off of regularly functioning automatic pistol топливоразливочной columns means that the tank is filled completely. The further refuelling can lead to development of leaks of fuel from under a cover as a result of its thermal expansion.

Having finished refuelling, return into place a cover, before click turn a key to the right and take it from the lock.

Try not to suppose full development of a stock of fuel on the models equipped catalytic with the converter. Infringement of a regularity of giving of an air-fuel mix in the engine can lead to its incomplete combustion and hit of crude fuel in the converter. Ignition of fuel in the converter is fraught with failure of its working element.

Try to avoid transportation of a stock of fuel in canisters. If to avoid such situation it is not possible, take care of reliability of fastening of the canister.

Fuel type

For car refuelling it is necessary to use only the grades of fuel recommended by its manufacturers. Try to avoid refuellings on container columns, for quality spilt on which fuel it is impossible to be charged.

If in an extreme situation it is necessary to make refuelling of the car by fuel with lower, than it is required OCTANESым number, try not to raise excessively engine turns, moving on average frequency and with the minimum loadings. At the first possibility fill in in a tank fuel of a demanded grade.

Refuelling of the car by fuel with higher, than is required OCTANESым number it is not forbidden, though from the point of view of increase of capacity developed by the engine and reduction of the expense of fuel it and does not give any advantages.

Equipped catalytic the converter of models it is possible to apply to refuelling only not containing lead неэтилированное fuel! Infringement of the given requirement can lead to irreversible failure of the converter.

Use of additives

On the general service life and efficiency of return of the engine essential influence renders quality of fuel filled in in a fuel tank. Increase of performance data of fuel is promoted by application of firm additives to it - consult at experts of car-care centre.

At use дизтоплива poor quality to merge water from the fuel filter follows a thicket, than it is stipulated by the Schedule of routine maintenance of the car (Routine maintenance see the Head). Skaplivanie waters in the filter negatively affects stability of turns of the engine. Plums of water it is better to make in the conditions of a car-care centre workshop.

Service regulations of diesel models in a winter season

Application winter дизтоплива

At lowering of temperature of air more low 0С in so-called "summer" дизтопливе there is a paraffin allocation that conducts to a contamination of the fuel filter and faults in engine work.

In the majority of the countries with a frigid climate for refuelling of cars in a cold season the wide choice of special "winter" kinds дизтоплива, providing reliability of functioning of the engine is offered at temperatures to-15 С -22S (depending on fuel type). Consult at station of the firm service-centre of company Skoda.

Preliminary heating of the fuel filter

The car is equipped by the device for preliminary heating of the fuel filter. Thanks to the given device, operational stability дизтоплива, intended for use at трах to-15S, remains up to temperature of external air-25S. Necessity подмешивания in diesel fuel gasoline thus disappears.

It is not necessary to add in diesel fuel any additives (including gasoline), raising its fluidity, or other operational parametres.