Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
- The maintenance instruction
   The panel of devices and controls
   The equipment of the control panel and дефлекторов air lines, a choice of modes of functioning of system of heating/ventilation of salon - models with air conditioner
   Adjustment of rear-view mirrors
   Control lever РКПП
   The salon equipment
   Seat belts
   Operation receptions
   Trailer towage
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


The salon equipment

Forward seats

The great value from the point of view of safety of driving is extreme has correctness of adjustment of the driver's seat, providing free and fast access to all controls the car, the maximum comfort of a pose of the driver and optimum conditions for the most effective functioning of a seat belt.

It is not necessary to establish forward seats excessively close to a steering wheel or the panel of devices.
Feet of the driver and the forward passenger should be in a corresponding foot well, and at all on the panel at a hog or a seat pillow.

Adjustment of position of a seat in a longitudinal direction

Having pulled upwards скобу the lock of a regulator (1), move a seat to demanded position. After отпускания скобы achieve accurate operation of a clamp in the new chosen position of a seat.

The driver's seat should be established so that the driver could manipulate freely pedals, only slightly bending feet.

At all do not make adjustment of position of a seat during car movement.

Adjustment of an inclination of a back

The inclination of a back of a forward seat is regulated by rotation of the back of the handle located from below on lateral aspect (2). Regulating a back inclination, do not lean the elbows on it.

The back of a driver's seat should be inclined so that the driver freely reached the top part of the steering wheel, slightly bent hands.

The excessive inclination of backs of seats conducts to decrease in efficiency of functioning of seat belts.

Back seats

The luggage space volume can be increased at the expense of folding forward or extraction of a back seat of the car.

On models with separate back seats folding of seats can be made in an individual order.

Before to put a back seat, adjust in appropriate way position of forward seats.

Having pulled the clamp lever, release clamps a back () a back seat and slightly incline them forward. Remove headrests, take locks of seat belts and completely lower a back (), then overturn assemblage of a pillow with a back forward.

At seat assemblage in a starting position assemblage of a pillow with the back laid on it at first comes back. Then cast away a back back before clamp operation (check up reliability of fixing of a back, having pulled it forward).

Do not forget to push preliminary in a backlash between a pillow and a seat back zone section and locks of seat belts. Track, that belts of inertial type have not appeared the clamped clamps of a back of a seat.

In case of need the back seat can be completely taken from car salon. Cast away forward a seat back, undertake its bottom part and overturn so that there was a possibility of liberation of assemblage of a seat from fastenings of support. Installation is made upside-down.

Track correctness of placing of a seat in basic fastenings and reliability of fixing of a back.

Headrests of seats

Possibility of adjustment of height of position of headrests is provided. The headrest should be strictly adjusted an obligatory order to growth of the driver/passenger. Correctly established headrests in a combination to seat belts provide reliable protection of safety of people being in the car.

For adjustment of position of a headrest undertake it two hands and pull upwards, or push downwards, achieving the necessary height of installation. The headrest upper edge should be in an ideal at level of eyes of the sitting person.

Removal and installation of headrests is carried out by отпускания clamps of their locks. Having wrung out рычажок managements of clamp position, extend a headrest from directing nests in a seat back.

At headrest installation track, that the clamp lock has unequivocally worked (distinct click) should be distributed.

Back shelf

On a back shelf of salon covering a luggage space it is possible to put only small subjects. At all do not put on a shelf the subjects, capable to put a trauma to the driver or the passenger at sharp braking of the car, or to break integrity of threads of a working element of a heater of back glass.

The back party of a shelf is attached by cords to a back door that is why the shelf rises simultaneously with a door, providing an unimpeded access in a car luggage space.

For shelf removal liberate loops of cords from clamps on an inside of a door of a back, then, having pulled a cover, liberate it from forward clamps of loopy type. Installation is made upside-down.