Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
- The maintenance instruction
   The panel of devices and controls
   The equipment of the control panel and дефлекторов air lines, a choice of modes of functioning of system of heating/ventilation of salon - models with air conditioner
   Adjustment of rear-view mirrors
   Control lever РКПП
   The salon equipment
   Seat belts
   Operation receptions
   Trailer towage
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Seat belts

The general information

It is proved that Seat belts provide reliable enough protection of the driver and passengers of vehicles at emergency collisions. In the majority of the countries obligatory use of seat belts is provided by the law.

Seat belts should be used on each trip (on a highway, or in a city).

Pregnant women also should use seat belts.

Efficiency of functioning of seat belts directly depends on correctness of their lining.

At a head-on collision being in car salon not fastened persons are thrown out forward, uncontrolledly hitting about meeting obstacles (a steering wheel, the panel of devices, a windscreen etc.).

Widespread opinion that at a light blow it is possible to be kept, having rested against something hands is deep error in view of the highest accelerations arising during sharp braking or change of a direction of movement even at insignificant speeds of moving.

Back passengers also are obliged to be fastened by seat belts not to appear thrown out in a forward half of salon.

The general instructions

The seat belt should not be clamped, overwound and rub anywhere about cutting edges;

By one belt should not be fastened simultaneously more than one person (including children);

Peak efficiency of protection of seat belts is reached at correct position of a body sitting;

The belt should not be thrown through the firm in pockets firm or fragile subjects (including pencils, pens, keys, etc.);

Многослойность free outer clothing negatively affects efficiency of protection provided with seat belts;

Is forbidden any use of the clips, allowing to regulate and крепить belts, adjusting them to features of a structure of a body sitting;

Скоба the seat belt lock it should be latched only in the buckle intended for a given belt;

It is necessary to watch cleanliness of seat belts - pollution is capable to break serviceability of functioning of the returnable device;

The reception aperture of a buckle of the lock of a seat belt should not be hammered any extraneous subjects (type of scraps of a paper, coins, etc.);

The damaged seat belts, and also the belts which were exposed to raised loadings at emergency collision, are subject to replacement. It is necessary to check up also a condition анкерных fastenings of belts;

Trehankernye seat belts of inertial type

Seat belts of inertial type at all do not constrain freedom of movements of the persons fastened by them.

At sharp braking or car maneuvering there is an automatic blocking of a drum of the returnable device and possibility of moving of a body sitting is limited.

It is not necessary to incline excessively strongly back backs of forward seats as thus efficiency of keeping of a body sitting zone section треханкерного a belt appreciably decreases.

Having pulled a belt for sliding скобу the lock, throw its humeral section through a breast. The zone section of a belt should capture the top part of hips. Fill скобу the lock in a reception groove of a buckle and latch the lock. Make sure of serviceability of operation of the lock, having pulled a belt.

The humeral section of a belt should pass through an average part of a shoulder sitting and densely to press out a thorax. The zone section should provide fixings тазового trunk department, settling down as it is possible above on hips sitting.

Regulated on height top анкерное fastening allows to adapt a belt on growth and the sizes of a body sitting.

For adjustment of height of fastening press рычажок a clamp, then move in a corresponding direction floating анкерную скобу.

The humeral section of a belt should pass through the middle of a shoulder sitting, but at all through a neck.

Having adjusted properly fastening height, short jerk check up reliability of fixing floating скобы.

Pregnant women also without fail should be fastened by a seat belt. Thus the zone section of a belt should settle down as it is possible above on hips sitting and not to cover at all from above a stomach.

For belt removal it is necessary to press the red button отпускания the lock built in in a buckle. The uvula floating скобы the lock will be pushed out from a buckle under the influence of effort developed by a spring. Taking - up отстегнутого a belt on a drum of the returnable device will occur automatically. In case of need it is possible to correct sliding скобу the lock a hand. The plastic emphasis скобы will provide to a uvula of the lock position of readiness for use.

Zone seat belt

The central place on a back seat of the car is equipped by a zone seat belt. The principle of functioning of the lock двуханкерного a zone belt is completely identical to that for belts треханкерного type.

Adjustment of length of a zone belt is made by position change замковой скобы. The fastened belt should press out densely the top part of hips sitting, providing a reliable emphasis for тазового trunk department. The free end of a belt is fixed by продевания it in a plastic framework.

Automatic devices of a tension of seat belts

For the purpose of increase of level of safety of the driver and the passenger треханкерные seat belts of forward seats of the car can be equipped automatic натяжителями.

Activation of devices occurs at strong front blows. Under the influence of an overload blow up пиропатроны a drive of drums натяжителей and belts are tightened, providing more reliable support to a body of the sitting.

Weak overloads do not cause operation натяжителей.

Performance of any service натяжителей should be charged to experts of car-care centre.

At activation натяжителей there can be an easy smoke blanketing which should not be an occasion to anxiety.

Devices are intended only for unitary operation and after it are subject to replacement (together with belts).

Recycling натяжителей should be made with observance of special safety measures (consult at experts of car-care centre).

Transportation of children

Transportation of children younger and middle age should be made with application of the special devices established on a seat of the car and fixed together with sitting seat belts. For consultations address to experts of the firm services-centres of the companies-manufacturers of cars, and also to sellers firm automobile accessories.

Safety pillows

The general information

Inflatable pillows of safety in a combination with automatic натяжителями треханкерных belts (see above) forms system of additional safety of the car (SRS).

System activation, occurs only at ignition inclusion.

On all models equipped with pillows of safety on a nave of a steering wheel and (at a corresponding complete set) the right party of the panel of devices are fixed precautionary шильды with an inscription “Airbag”.

Operation of pillows of safety does not occur:

- At lateral blows;
- Arrivals behind;
- Car overturning;
- Easy head-on collisions.

For this reason, it is not necessary to consider pillows alternatively to seat belts and to be fastened by them on each trip in obligatory an order.

Into number of components of system of pillows of safety enter:

- The electronic block of management (ECU);
- One or two inflatable pillows with built in газогенератором;
- Control lamp on an instrument guard of the car.

The module of a driver's pillow of safety is placed in a nave of a steering wheel, passenger - in the right part of the panel of devices.

Serviceability of a condition of components of system proves to be true on short-term operation of a control lamp of an instrument guard at ignition inclusion.

Safety pillows do not require any service throughout all term of the/car service.

Signs of malfunction of a condition of pillows of safety is the following:

- At ignition inclusion in an instrument guard the corresponding control lamp does not light up;
- The control lamp does not die away after some seconds after engine start;
- The control lamp lights up or starts to blink during movement.

In each of the listed cases the car should be driven away at the first possibility on a car repair shop for detailed diagnostics of system with application of the special equipment.

Functioning principle

The design of pillows of safety is that that operation газогенераторов occurs only at strong front blows.

Эпюра sensitivity of initiators it is resulted on an illustration.

At operation газогенератора the inflatable capacity of a pillow for fractions of a second is filled with gas and fills free space between a steering wheel/panel of devices and the driver / the forward passenger, reducing to a minimum freedom of moving of the last.

In pillows of safety of last years of release possibility automatic supervised выпускания gas from working capacity in process of overload increase that allows in an essential measure to soften blow is in addition provided.

Safety measures

In equipped with pillows of safety models it is necessary to try not to nestle too close on a steering wheel/panel of devices, and also to give particular attention to correctness of adjustment of position of forward seats. In order to avoid casual operation of initiators performance of any manipulations with system components is forbidden.

At delivery equipped with pillows of safety of the car in scrap metal it is necessary to take measures against spontaneous operation of modules. Consult at experts of car-care centre.