Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
- Systems of cooling, heating
   The general information and safety measures
   Detachment and replacement of hoses of system of cooling
   Removal, check of a condition and radiator installation
   Removal, check of serviceability of functioning and thermostat installation
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal, installation, dismantling and assemblage of the fan of system of cooling
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of electric switches and gauges of system of cooling
   Removal, installation, dismantling and assemblage of the water pump
   System of heating/ventilation of salon - the general information
   Removal and installation of components of system of heating/ventilation of salon
   Air central air - the general information and safety measures
   Removal and installation of components of a central air of air
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Check of serviceability of functioning, removal, installation, dismantling and assemblage of the fan of system of cooling

The scheme of installation of the fan of system of cooling

1 — the Radiator
2 — the Top hose of a radiator
3 — the Bolt
4 — Assembly скоба
5 — the Sealing washer
6 — the Thermosensitive gauge-switch
7 — the Bottom hose of a radiator
8 — the Casing (диффузор) the fan

9 — Privodnoj the electromotor
10 — the Hose for release of air stoppers
11 — the Broad tank
12 — the Fixing nut
13 — the Cover of a broad tank
14 — Krylchatka of the fan
15 — the Rubber pillow of a support

Do not forget that at the hot engine the fan of system of cooling can work even after ignition deenergizing. Be careful!

The general data

L models 1.3

The fan of system of cooling is intended for creation of a compulsory stream of air through the heat exchanger of a radiator for the purpose of maintenance of necessary intensity of a heat-conducting path.

The fan is placed behind a radiator. For its drive the electromotor of type PAL is used by 443 132 166 010 capacity of 55 Vt.

An engine shaft it is put on 4-lopastnaja plastic крыльчатка. The electromotor is placed in диффузор, fixed on the top and bottom walls of the heat exchanger of a radiator by means of four bolts М6х10. For electromotor fastening in a casing диффузора three bolts are used.

Fan inclusion is made at temperature of a cooling liquid 97 2С, deenergizing - at 88С (models without К/В).

Models 1.6 of l without К/В

The fan has the increased diameter (280 mm). For a drive the electromotor of manufacturing of company Bosch is used by capacity of 130 Vt.

The same fan, but the smaller size (250 mm) is used on models 1.3 of the l equipped К/В.

Fan inclusion is made at temperature 95 2С. Deenergizing - at 88С.

Diesel models without К/В and petrol models 1.6 of l with К/В

The electric chain of the electromotor is grouped in such a manner that the fan can continue to function even after ignition deenergizing - be careful!

Диффузор the fan it is displaced to the left and fastens two bolts at the left and one on the right. Крыльчатка the fan - 6-lopastnaja in diameter 300 mm.

The fan of manufacture of company Gate fastens on диффузоре three bolts.

Inclusion of the first high-speed mode of the fan is made at temperature 95 2С, deenergizing - at 84С. торой the high-speed mode joins at temperature 102 3С. Deenergizing - at 91С.



1. Food giving on the fan of system of cooling is carried out through the switch of ignition and a safety lock (the Onboard electric equipment see the Head). The thermosensitive gauge-switch of the fan screwed in a wall of a radiator enters Into a contour also.
2. In default the fan in the first always it is necessary to check up a condition of safety locks. In the absence of signs of their exit out of operation, start the engine and warm up it to normal working temperature, having left then working on single turns. If the fan does not work within several minutes (or earlier than the temperature measuring instrument will fix an overheat), switch off ignition and disconnect gauge-switch electroconducting. Connect a crosspiece two contacts of an electric socket and again include ignition. If now the fan starts to function, it is necessary to replace the faulty gauge-switch.
3. If the fan still does not work, make sure that on a gauge-switch socket a food of the battery (12) regularly moves. If a food is absent, check up a condition of corresponding electroconducting (probably, the fan electromotor has failed, or has fused a safety lock). If it is not possible to reveal any malfunctions, make sure available conductivity between the plug of grounding of the gauge-switch and weight. If conductivity is absent, hence grounding is broken and it is necessary to make corresponding repair.
4. If performance of all listed checks does not allow to reveal a fan cause of a failure, it is necessary to check up a condition of the electromotor of a drive крыльчатки. Disunite an electric socket and submit a food from the battery directly on motor plugs. If the motor does not work and this time, replace it in gathering.



1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

2. Disconnect electroconducting from the electromotor of the fan,

Then liberate wires from intermediate clamps on a casing,

Turn out fixing bolts

Also remove a casing вентиляторной assemblages from a back part of a radiator.

3. In case of need give fixing nuts, remove washers and separate the motor from an assemblage casing. Now крыльчатка can be removed from the motor after отпускания a fixing clamp.



1. Establish motor assemblage on a casing, put on washers, then screw fixing nuts and strongly tighten them. If removed, plant крыльчатку on a spindle of the motor and fix its clamp.
2. Establish assemblage on a radiator and fix its bolts.
3. Restore initial connection of electroconducting (do not forget to connect the battery).



1. Merge a cooling liquid.
2. Disconnect from a radiator hoses of a cooling liquid.
3. Disconnect electroconducting from the thermosensitive gauge-switch and the electromotor of a drive of the fan.
4. Dismantle assembly скобу.
5. Turn out fixing screws. Also remove a radiator in assemblage with the fan.
6. Give fixture диффузора to a radiator.

7. Turn out fixing screws and remove крыльчатку by means of the special adaptation (МР8-102).



Assemblage is made in an order, the return to a dismantle order. Special attention give to following moments:

a) Krylchatka should напрессовываться on assemblage, but not jam at all;
b) All fixture tighten with demanded effort;
c) Track correctness of landing of components;
d) do not forget to fill in in system a fresh cooling liquid.