Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
- Routine maintenance
   Weekly checks
   - Car routine maintenance - petrol models
      The routine maintenance schedule
      Regular service
      Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
      Condition check колодок and disks of forward brake mechanisms
      Check of serviceability of functioning of a control system by the engine
      Check and adjustment клапанных backlashes (model 1.3)
      Check of a condition of hoses, and revealing of sources of leaks
      Check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts
      Suspension bracket and steering drive
      Check of a condition of components of system of release of the fulfilled gases
      Check of a condition of a cooling liquid
      Check of serviceability of functioning of coupling
      Greasing of locks and loops
      Check of structure of the fulfilled gases
      Adjustment of an optical axis of head headlights
      Check of serviceability of functioning of cleaners/washers of glasses/lenses of head headlights
      Trial runs
      Replacement of a filtering element of an air cleaner
      Replacement of spark plugs - l models 1.3
      Check of a condition of a belt of drive ГРМ - l models 1.6
      Greasing of the distributor of ignition - l models 1.3
      Check of a condition of a belt of a drive of auxiliary units
      Check of system of pillows of safety
      Check of serviceability of functioning of systems of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases of the engine
      Check of a condition of boots and drums of back brake mechanisms
      Check of serviceability of functioning of a lay brake
      Check кузовных panels on presence of traces of development of corrosion
      Level check трансмиссионного oils
      Replacement of spark plugs - l models 1.6
      Replacement of the fuel filter
      Replacement трансмиссионного oils
      Replacement газораспределительного a belt - l models 1.6
      Replacement of a brake liquid
      Replacement of a cooling liquid
   + Car routine maintenance - diesel models
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Check of a condition of hoses, and revealing of sources of leaks


1. Поддомкратьте redock of the car also establish it on props. Examine outside interfaced surfaces of the power unit, paying attention to traces of leaks of oil and a cooling liquid. It is necessary to give special attention to joints прокладочных surfaces of a cover of a camshaft, a head of cylinders, the oil filter and the pallet картера. There are no bases to worry concerning presence of lungs потеков which occurrence is quite natural eventually. Should guard only traces of really serious leaks at which revealing it is necessary to make replacement of a corresponding lining/epiploon (see more low in the corresponding Chapter).
2. In parallel check up a condition and reliability of fastening on the unions of all hoses and the metal tubes concerning functioning of the engine. Track reliability of fastening of lines тросовыми bandages, collars and intermediate clamps. In avoidance retyranny of lines replace the broken clamps new.
3. Attentively examine радиаторные hoses and hoses of system of heating of salon on all their length. At revealing of cracks, swellings or traces of ageing of a material make replacement of a defective hose.

Cracks are easier for revealing, having bent a hose. Carefully check up a condition of collars of fastening of hoses on connecting branch pipes of components of system of cooling. Do not forget that often hoses fray and wear out in installation sites of collars. The failed collars of braided type will replace most correctly screw or worm.

4. Attentively examine on presence of traces of leaks all components of system of cooling (the hoses, interfaced surfaces, etc.).

Remember that leaks of a cooling liquid usually represent порошкообразный a touch of white or reddish colour. In case of need replace a defective component or the damaged lining (see the Head of System of cooling, heating).

5. Having raised the car over the earth, check up a condition of a jellied mouth of a fuel tank. The site of a joint of a mouth with the tank case is especially critical. Pay attention to presence of cracks, punctures, traces of ageing of rubber and other defects. Sometimes leaks start to develop as a result of weakening of fixing collars.

6. Attentively check up a condition of all rubber and metal fuel lines connecting a petrol tank with the engine. Pay attention to dents, flattening, перекручивания and other etc. defects. Make sure that ventilating hoses and tubes are not overwound round a jellied mouth of a tank. Make necessary corrections, replace defective lines. Do not forget to check up a condition passing under the bottom of the car of brake and fuel lines.

7. In an impellent compartment check up reliability штуцерных connections of fuel, vacuum and brake lines. Check up a condition of all hoses.
8. Do not forget to estimate a condition of lines of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel (PAS).
9. In summary lower the car on the earth.