Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
- Engine electric equipment
   + Charge and start systems
   - System of ignition of petrol engines
      The general information
      Diagnostics of malfunctions of system of ignition and check of a condition of its components
      Removal and installation of the coil of ignition
      Removal and installation of the distributor of ignition
      Check and updating of a corner of an advancing of ignition
      Removal and installation of information gauges of system of ignition
   + System of preheat of diesel engines
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Diagnostics of malfunctions of system of ignition and check of a condition of its components

At performance of any works on service of components of system at the included ignition it is necessary to observe special safety measures. Reception of an electric shock can cause the most serious consequences. Performance of service of components of system Is forbidden to persons with implanted кардиостимулятором. At connection or a detachment of any components, and also at use of a universal measuring instrument of chains for definition of electric resistance do not forget to switch off ignition!

System of static ignition Simos

On the models equipped with system of ignition Simos 2P where the distributor is not provided, forces of the average mechanic-fan the narrowest spectrum of checks can be made only.

In case of occurrence of any problems connected with infringement of functioning of system of ignition always first of all check quality of contact connections of electroconducting on the bobbin module and the gauge of turns and positions of a cranked shaft. Also estimate a condition of isolation of electroconducting.

Check up quality of landing of the bobbin module on all spark plugs. Also check up a condition actually candles - remember that candles in systems of ignition with a single spark are subject to the raised deterioration.

Remove the gauge of turns and position of a cranked shaft and attentively study its condition (see Has undressed Removal and installation of information gauges of system of ignition).

If during performance listed above checks to reveal a cause of infringement it is not possible, the car should be driven away for more detailed diagnostics of system of ignition on a firm car repair shop of company Skoda.

All other systems

The most typical causes of failures

The majority of refusals of systems of ignition appear connected with infringement of quality of contact connections of a chain, or with current leaks in ВВ a contour. Leaks usually occur owing to formation of the coal paths appearing as a result of electric breakdowns at excessive pollution, humidifying or mechanical destruction of components. Before to make the decision on replacement of a suspected component always at first check electroconducting. Work without hurrying up, methodically checking each of separate sites of a chain, trying to reveal a method of exceptions the damaged sector. In overwhelming majority of cases spraying of a surface of components ВВ of a contour of system special влагопоглотителем type WD40 helps.

Check spark presence can in become habitual way by a present of a wire of a food to the engine block in this case it is not recommended, not only in view of the raised risk of reception of an electroshock, but also in order to avoid failure ВВ of a contour of the coil. It is not necessary also to try to reveal the cylinder in which ignition admissions, by a serial detachment of wires from each of candles take place.

The engine is not started

If the engine is not turned at all, or rotates too slowly, check up a condition of the storage battery and a starter. Connect the voltmeter between polar plugs of the battery (with polarity observance: “+” to “+”; “-” to “-”). Disconnect from a cover of distributor VV a wire of the coil of ignition and earth it on a car-care centre workshop. Consider an instrument reading at проворачивании the engine as a starter (do not turn the engine continuously more than 10 seconds). If the result of measurement makes less than 9.5 In, check up a condition of the battery and serviceability of functioning of systems of start and a charge.

If the engine is turned with normal speed, but thus is not started, it is necessary to check up ВВ a contour of system of ignition. Following instructions of manufacturers, connect a stroboscope, then turn the engine a starter. If the stroboscope regularly blinks, hence pressure moves on spark plugs and it is necessary to check up a condition of the last. If the stroboscope does not react on проворачивание the engine, check up a condition actually ВВ wires, then distributor covers, coal contact brushes and бегунок.

If infringements in искрообразовании are not present, check up serviceability of functioning of the power supply system.

Cause of infringement искрообразования malfunction in НВ parts of system of ignition can be. Check up serviceability of giving of a food in 12 In on the ignition coil. Estimate a condition of contact connections and electroconducting. Check up actually the coil. The reason of absence of a food on the coil malfunction of the switch of ignition, or safety lock combustion can be.

Remember that malfunction of system of the anticreeping alarm system or иммобилизатора the engine can be at the bottom of an engine failure from start. Before to continue checks, make sure that the anticreeping system is properly disconnected.

If to reveal a cause of infringement искрообразования during the spent checks it is not possible, it is necessary to drive away the car on a car repair shop for performance of diagnostics of malfunctions of a control system by the engine.

Ignition admissions take place

Stability infringement искрообразования results from infringement of quality of contact connections or occurrence of changeable defect in НВ a system contour more often. The second reason of admissions of ignition is malfunction ВВ of a contour of system, or damage of the bobbin party бегунка. In certain cases to infringement of stability of ignition conduct refusals of the gauge of turns and position of a cranked shaft/hall (see Has undressed Removal and installation of information gauges of system of ignition).

At the switched off ignition carefully check up an external condition of all components of system, special attention giving to quality of contact connections. At presence near at hand the necessary equipment check up a condition of electroconducting and quality of contact connections НВ of a contour of ignition.

Make sure that ВВ the ignition coil, a cover of the distributor and ВВ wires are free from a dirt and a moisture. A method of substitution of obviously serviceable components check up condition ВВ of wires and spark plugs, then examine a cover, coal brushes and бегунок the distributor.

Regular admissions of ignition with high degree of probability appear are connected with damages of a cover of the distributor., ВВ wires or spark plugs. By means of a stroboscope make sure available ВВ pressure of a food on candles.

If ВВ the signal on one of сечей is absent, a cause of a failure is malfunction given ВВ wires or distributor covers. In the presence of pressure on all candles it is necessary to check up a condition of each of them separately.

Absence ВВ of pressure on all spark plugs speaks about malfunction of the coil of ignition - its secondary winding can appear is punched as a result of influence of high electric loadings.

Other infringements

If to reveal a cause of infringement during performance listed above checks it is not possible, it is necessary to address for the help to experts of car-care centre.

Check of a condition of components of system of ignition


The information resulted in given subsection concerns only systems with the ignition distributor.

1. Condition ВВ (candle) wires should be checked each time at replacement of spark plugs.
2. At a detachment of a wire from a candle it is necessary to pull only for its tip. Otherwise there is a risk of damage of contact plugs.

Before to disconnect candle wires, make sure available on them of factory marks. In case of need mark wires independently by means of an adhesive tape, having inscribed on them numbers of corresponding cylinders.

3. Check up an internal surface of a tip of a wire on presence of traces of corrosion in the form of white порошкообразного a touch. Densely pull a tip on a spark plug shaft, having tracked reliability of its landing. In case of need again disconnect a wire and correct position of the contact plug in a tip.
4. Pure rags carefully wipe ВВ wires on all their length, deleting from a surface of isolation dirt and greasing traces. Having cleared wires, check up them on presence прогаров, cracks and other damages of isolation. Try not to bend excessively a wire in order to avoid risk of damage of veins of a conductor.
5. Disconnect the second end of a wire from the plug on a cover of the distributor of ignition (besides pull only for a tip!). Check up a tip on presence of traces of corrosion. At presence near at hand an ohmmeter define specific resistive resistance of a wire. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications. At wire connection track reliability of landing of a tip on the plug.
6. Operating in a similar manner, check up a condition of all ВВ wires of system of ignition, including main, going from the central plug on a distributor cover to the ignition coil.
7. Replaceable ВВ wires should be got the complete set which is specially let out for use on cars of the given mark.

Distributor cover


1. Release spring clamps and uncover the ignition distributor. Carefully wipe a cover and attentively examine it from the internal and external parties about revealing of cracks, the coal paths, the burnt through contacts and other damages. Estimate degree of deterioration of coal brushes, check up freedom of their moving in holders and pressing density to a contact surface бегунка.

2. In order to avoid infringement of an order of ignition do not disconnect from a cover subject to replacement simultaneously all wires. Serially having transferred wires on plugs of a new cover, strongly fix last fixing screws / spring clamps.
3. Having finished system service sprinkle a surface of its components ВВ of a part влагопоглотителем.

Бегунок the distributor


1. Uncover the distributor.

2. Check up an external condition бегунка. Strictly speaking, бегунок it is accepted to change together with a distributor cover without dependence from their condition simultaneously with installation new ВВ wires, however, whereas on l models 1.3 бегунок it is very densely planted on a distributor shaft, it is necessary to consult preliminary with experts of car-care centre. On l models 1.6 бегунок easily acts in film from a shaft

3. Check up a condition of contacts бегунка - one of them is located in the central part of a component and constantly contacts coal contact of the central plug of a cover of the distributor, the second served by a working part of a nouse which serially adjoins to segment contacts of plugs of candle wires in a cover. By means of a fine-grained emery paper smooth out contact surfaces, completely having removed from them traces of coal adjournment.
4. Installation is made upside-down. Track, that the directing ledge бегунка has entered into reciprocal deepening of a shaft of the distributor, only after that start cover installation.

The ignition coil


1. Disunite НВ a socket of the coil of ignition, and also disconnect from it main ВВ a distributor wire.

2. Connect a universal measuring instrument of electric chains between plugs 1 (1) and 15 (+) (see an accompanying illustration) and measure resistive resistance of a primary winding of the coil. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications.

3. Now connect the device between ВВ the plug (4) and the plug 15 (+) and measure resistance of a secondary winding. Compare result to the value stipulated in Specifications.
4. Restore initial connection of electroconducting.
5. If right after stops of the engine the coil case appears hot to the touch, it can specify in presence of damages of internal isolation.