Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
- Engine electric equipment
   + Charge and start systems
   - System of ignition of petrol engines
      The general information
      Diagnostics of malfunctions of system of ignition and check of a condition of its components
      Removal and installation of the coil of ignition
      Removal and installation of the distributor of ignition
      Check and updating of a corner of an advancing of ignition
      Removal and installation of information gauges of system of ignition
   + System of preheat of diesel engines
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Removal and installation of the distributor of ignition

Components of the distributor of ignition

1 — the rotor Plug
2 — the Spring
3 — the Counterbalance of a centrifugal regulator
4 — the Case
5 — Membrannyj the mechanism of the vacuum-proof-reader
6 — the Bearing
7 — Screw M6h8
8 — the Lock ring

9 — the Basic plate
10 — Raspornaja a washer
11 — the Rotary plate
12 — the Coil of the gauge of impulses - “G173”
13 — the Rotor
14 — Begunok
15 — the Brush
16 — the Cover

The information resulted in given subsection concerns only systems with the ignition distributor.

During car service it is not necessary to make pressure stock-taking in places of electric connections by a method закорачивания wires on weight. Do not disconnect ВВ a wire going from the coil of ignition to the distributor at working, or turned starter, the engine. Do not disconnect the case of the electronic block from weight. Do not use the diagnostic devices, capable to cause short circuit in НВ a coil contour. Cautiously address with the electroconducting connecting the distributor with the switchboard.

The general information

Design features of the distributor and principle of functioning of regulators of ignition

The ignition gauge-distributor provides necessary sequence of giving of impulses on spark plugs; develops the impulses of pressure sent then in ECU and operating interruption of a current in a primary winding of the coil of ignition.

The basic making components of the distributor are: the generator of electric impulses, the scheme of division of pressure in a secondary chain; a centrifugal regulator and vacuum-proof-reader of an advancing of ignition.

The distributor drive is carried out from the gear wheel put on an axis which are in gearing with a gear wheel of a cranked shaft. Frequency of rotation of an axis приводной gear wheels twice below frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft.

The case of the distributor of ignition from above is closed by a cover which fastening is carried out by means of two spring clamps. The case flange is intended for fixing of position of the distributor.

The cover is executed from нетокопроводного a material maintaining high electric loadings, equipped by five plugs concluded in nests of ledges of a cover. Wires ВВ of a contour of system of ignition are connected to plugs.

To the central plug of a cover of the distributor it is connected ВВ a wire from the ignition coil. The plug by means of подпружиненного coal contact is connected with бегунком the distributor.

The remained four candle plugs directly are connected with запрессованными from the interior of a cover brass contacts.

Near to one of plugs outside on distributor covers it is put long vertical convex risk. To the given plug it is connected ВВ a wire of a candle of the first cylinder.

The distributor shaft is fixed in the case of the distributor by means of two self-greased plugs. In the bottom part of a shaft the shaft is provided, and on the top the plug into which it is inserted бегунок is established. In the top end face of the given plug there is a groove guaranteeing unambiguity of installation бегунка.

Бегунок it is made of a dielectric material. From above in it запрессованы two brass plates between which the resistor intended for suppression of radio-frequency hindrances is located. The plate established in the central part бегунка, by means of a coal brush is connected to the central plug of a cover of the distributor. Thanks to such design, ВВ pressure from the ignition coil through помехоподавляющий the resistor appears brought to the second brass plate fixed on a nouse бегунка and at work of the engine of cover serially contacting with candle plugs of the distributor.

The magnitoinduktsionnyj gauge (the Hall gauge) consist from 4-polsnogo a rotor, a ring with polar cores and the induction coil. At rotor rotation power lines of a magnetic field periodically interrupt. Magnetic field change leads to production of impulses in a winding of the induction coil. Further these impulses arrive in ECU, operating passage ВВ of pressure through the ignition coil.

The centrifugal regulator corrects a corner of an advancing of ignition depending on frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft without dependence from loading size on the engine. The principle of action of a regulator is based on use of the centrifugal force influencing special counterbalances. The regulator consists from motionlessly fixed on a shaft of the distributor of a plate, to which приклепаны two pins. On pins two counterbalances which have been pulled together among themselves with springs are freely planted. On the top part of a shaft of the distributor the plug as which basis the plate with anchors for fastening of the opposite ends of springs and the pins entering into grooves of counterbalances serves is fixed. On the plug the rotor of the induction gauge is planted. Axial люфт distributor assemblages it is supervised by combination selection распорных washers (washers are issued by thickness 0.05, 0.10 and 0.16 mm).

1 — the Rotary plate
2 — Raspornaja a washer
3 — the Basic plate
4 — the Lock ring

As parametre of a rotor subject to check the size of its air backlash () which should be exposed more close to the top limit of an admissible range (see Specifications) serves.

1 — rotor Tips
2 — the Rotary plate
And — Size of an air backlash

Counterbalances under the influence of centrifugal force disperse from increase of frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft in the parties and, pressing pins of a mobile plate, cause rotor turn in напрвлении rotations of a shaft of the distributor. Owing to such displacement of a rotor generation of impulses in a winding of the coil of the induction gauge occurs to certain anticipation, i.e. ignition becomes earlier.

Characteristics of springs, the weight and the form of counterbalances are picked up so that to receive the values of size of an advancing of ignition set structurally depending on concrete turns of the engine. On an illustration the performance data of a centrifugal regulator are presented.

The vacuum-proof-reader is intended for updating of a corner of an advancing of ignition depending on engine loading (without turns). The proof-reader fastens to the case of the distributor by means of an arm and two screws M4. In the internal chamber of the vacuum-proof-reader the diaphragm which is wrung out by a spring in a direction of the case of the distributor is placed мембранная. The diaphragm is connected by draught to polar tips of the induction gauge.

On the one hand the diaphragm is influenced by atmospheric pressure, with another the depression arising because space in the case is brought connected by a hose to a final collector of the engine. With loading increase throttle заслонка it is slightly opened in a greater degree that leads to increase of depth of depression in the pipeline. Under the influence of a difference of pressure the diaphragm is curved in a direction to the distributor case, overcoming thus resistance of a spring. The draught connecting a diaphragm with a plate on which the ring with polar tips is located, forces the last to turn in a direction opposite to a direction of rotation of a shaft of the distributor. Thus the corner of an advancing of ignition is displaced forward and ignition becomes earlier. At decrease in loading depth of depression falls also a spring curves a diaphragm in the opposite direction, doing ignition by later. The performance data of the vacuum-proof-reader of an advancing of ignition are presented on an illustration.

Thanks to joint action of both regulators necessary installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition is provided at any turns and engine loadings.

The ignition distributor is connected to the switchboard экранированным a wire that transferred impulses did not deform the characteristic of electromagnetic fields and did not cause thereby failures in switchboard work.

The switchboard forms amplitude and duration of impulses of pressure in the ignition coil.

The switchboard does not require regular service. It is enough to care of reliable connection of the case with weight (it is supervised by reliability of a tightening of the right bottom screw of fastening of the case) only.

To protect tips of wires from the corrosion increasing resistance of contact connections, on a surface of tips it is necessary to apply a thin film бескислотного vaseline, or to sprinkle their special preserving structure. Access to contact plugs opens after removal of a rubber protective cover. Do not forget to establish at assemblage a cover into place.

At repeated connection of tips of wires to contacts of the electronic block it is necessary to track correctness of their connection.

The control of elements of system of ignition should be begun with check of reliability of connection of an electric socket to the ignition switchboard. Besides, it is necessary to check up reliability of grounding of the case of the switchboard.

For check of giving of a food on ignition system include ignition, without starting the engine, and by means of the voltmeter or a lamp-sampler make sure available pressure on the plug 15 switchboards and the plug of 15 coils of ignition. For pressure check on the plug 15 switchboards are necessary to disconnect a socket from the block. If check is made by means of the voltmeter, it is possible to check up also pressure size on the plug of 1 coil. The result should not be less indication which have been removed on the plug 15 more than for 0.3 Century Otherwise it is necessary to check up resistance of a primary winding of the coil (rating value makes 0.6 Ohm).

If pressure on plugs 15 is absent, it can be brought in the emergency way, having connected the plug a crosspiece to a positive pole of the battery.

Checks should be made quickly as the heating spiral in the device of automatics of start of the carburettor simultaneously joins, edges can easily fuse.



1. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
2. Result the engine in position ВМТ.
3. In case of need disconnect ВВ wires from a distributor cover (do not forget them to mark preliminary)

It is preferable to uncover with the wires connected to it. To transfer wires on a new cover in order to avoid infringement of an order of ignition it is better serially.

System Bosch Mono-Motronic


1. Release fixing clamps, remove from the distributor a cover and take her aside together with connected ВВ wires.
2. Mark position of the basis of assemblage of the distributor in relation to the engine block.
3. Removal and distributor installation can be made by one of two ways: or in gathering with a lengthening pipe, or separately from it. It is necessary to give preference to last way.
4. For distributor removal in gathering with a lengthening pipe give two bolts of fastening of last to a forward cover of the engine. Now assemblage can be removed.
5. At an exit of a leading gear wheel of a shaft of the distributor from gearing with spiral приводной a camshaft gear wheel бегунок will inevitably turn. At once put a label of final position бегунка that at installation assemblage could be returned strictly in initial position.

6. For a detachment of the distributor from a lengthening pipe mark mutual position of components, then ослабьте a nut of a coupling bolt and dismember assemblage.

7. Try not to turn at the removed distributor its shaft and a cranked shaft of the engine.

8. Take from a flute in the distributor case a sealing ring.

At assemblage the sealing ring is subject replacements without fail.

System Magneti-Marelli 1AV


1. Disconnect the tyre of grounding from a metal shielding cover.

2. Disunite an electric socket of the gauge of the Hall on the distributor case.

3. Release spring clamps...

... Uncover and take it aside together with connected ВВ wires.

4. Make sure that бегунок will develop a nouse to plug VV of a wire of a candle of the first cylinder on a distributor cover (the corresponding label should be put on a rim of the case of the distributor).

5. Чертилкой or a marker mark position of the case of the distributor in relation to a basic flange.

6. Turn out clamping bolts, then take the case of the distributor from a head of cylinders. It is not excluded that for liberation of the big sealing ring the distributor case should be shaken slightly here and there.

7. Remove a sealing ring from the bottom end face of the case of the distributor and attentively examine it. The worn out or damaged ring is subject to replacement.


System Bosch Mono-Motronic


1. Make sure that the engine still is in position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the first cylinder. Correct position of a shaft of the distributor so that бегунок it was developed by a nouse to a label on a face part of a rim of the case of the distributor. If the lengthening tube remained on the engine, track, that приводная the doggie got to a groove on lengthening to a shaft. At distributor installation in gathering with a lengthening tube develop бегунок in noted at removal of assemblage position.

2. Having achieved combination of labels, establish the distributor on the regular place. In case of need slightly correct position бегунка for the purpose of introduction in gearings приводной the doggie or a teeth of gear wheels.
3. Establish into place a distributor cover (track correctness of its orientation on the case). In case of need connect ВВ candle wires. Remember that serviceable functioning of the engine probably only at observance of a certain order of ignition (1-3-4-2).
4. Connect to the central plug of a cover going from the ignition coil main ВВ a wire.
5. At accurate installation of the new distributor installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition should not appear strongly broken. Nevertheless, for a guarantee the car will be reasonable for driving away on a car repair shop where correctness of installation of the moment of ignition will be checked up with application of the corresponding special equipment.

System Magneti-Marelli 1AV


1. Make sure that the engine still is in position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the first cylinder. Establish the distributor, having entered приводную the doggie into a reception aperture in приводном a flange of a camshaft and freely having screwed clamping bolts. Бегунок it should appear will develop a nouse towards a label of position of plug VV of a wire of a spark plug of the first cylinder on a cover - on a case rim it is put corresponding risk.

2. Establish into place a distributor cover. Track reliability защелкивания spring clamps.
3. Connect electroconducting of the gauge of the Hall.
4. Connect the grounding tyre.
5. Serially connect to plugs of cover ВВ candle wires of candles. Remember necessity of observance of a demanded order of ignition (1-3-4-2).
6. Connect to the central plug of a cover of the distributor main ВВ a wire going from the coil of ignition.
7. At accurate installation of the new distributor installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition should not appear strongly broken. Nevertheless, for a guarantee the car will be reasonable for driving away on a car repair shop where correctness of installation of the moment of ignition will be checked up with application of the corresponding special equipment.