Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
- Body and salon furnish
   The general information and safety measures
   Care of components of a body and the car bottom
   Care of an upholstery and carpet coverings of salon
   Repair of insignificant damages кузовных panels
   Repair seriously damaged кузовных panels
   Removal and installation of a forward bumper
   Removal and installation of a back bumper
   Removal, installation and cowl adjustment
   Removal and installation drive a cable отпускания the cowl lock
   Removal, installation and adjustment of assemblage of the lock of a cowl
   Removal and installation of doors
   Removal and installation of panels of an internal upholstery of doors
   Removal and installation of door handles and lock components
   Removal and installation of door glasses and regulators Glass lifts
   Removal and installation of a door of a back and its persistent bars
   Removal, installation and adjustment of components of the lock of a door of a back
   Removal and installation of components of the uniform lock
   Removal and installation of components of the electric drive Glass lifts
   Removal and installation of external rear-view mirrors and accompanying components
   Windscreen and glass of a door of a back - the general information
   The top hatch
   Removal and installation of elements кузовной furnish
   Removal and installation of seats
   The mechanism натяжителя a seat belt of a forward seat - the general information
   Removal and installation of components of seat belts
   Removal and installation of elements of furnish of salon
   Removal and installation of the central console
   Removal and installation of the panel of devices
   Control кузовные the sizes
+ Onboard electric equipment


Removal and installation of a door of a back and its persistent bars


Back door


1. Open a door of a back and disconnect a negative wire from the battery.

2. On the models equipped with stoplights of top level, remove an alarm lantern (the Onboard electric equipment see the Head), then accurately take from a doorframe the fixed secret nuts.

3. On all models remove rubber заглушки located on an upper edge of a doorframe of apertures of access to screws of fastening of a spoiler...

... Turn out screws and remove assemblage of a spoiler from a door, in passing having disconnected a washer hose.

4. Accurately liberate the panel of an internal upholstery from clamps and separate it from a door, then turn out the fixing screw and remove захватную a loop.

5. Disunite sockets of electric components of a door of a back and tie up to a plait a cord piece. Liberate electroconducting from intermediate clamps and take it from a doorframe.

Probably it is necessary to liberate contact plugs from a socket of the electromotor of a drive of a screen wiper for the purpose of a possibility of extraction of a plait from a door. In this case mark electroconducting for the purpose of a guarantee of correctness of its connection at assemblage.

6. Lead round a marker loopy laths of a doorframe.
7. Ask the assistant to take a door, then accurately take fixing clamps and disconnect both persistent bars from the spherical hinges.

.8 Turn out bolts of fastening of loops to a door and remove last from the car.

9. Check up loops on presence of signs of deterioration and mechanical damages. In case of need separate back edge of the panel of a ceiling upholstery and отболтите defective loops from a car body. Replace loops and strongly tighten fixing bolts. Fix a ceiling upholstery.

Persistent bars


Ask the assistant to take a door, then a small screw-driver with a flat sting accurately take fixing clamps and separate persistent bars from the spherical hinges.


Back door


Installation is made upside-down. Pay attention to following moments:

a) Track correctness of installation of loopy laths on a door (according to the marks put in the course of dismantle);
b) Before installation изоляционной films and panels of an internal upholstery of a door connect the battery and check up serviceability of functioning of electric components of a door of a back;
c) Make sure of correctness of placing of a door in кузовном an aperture. In case of need ослабьте loopy bolts also make corresponding updating;
d) In summary check up serviceability of functioning of a door-lock. In case of need make adjustment of the drummer (see Has undressed Removal, installation and adjustment of components of the lock of a door of a back).

Persistent bars


Installation is made in an order, the return to a dismantle order.