Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
- Body and salon furnish
   The general information and safety measures
   Care of components of a body and the car bottom
   Care of an upholstery and carpet coverings of salon
   Repair of insignificant damages кузовных panels
   Repair seriously damaged кузовных panels
   Removal and installation of a forward bumper
   Removal and installation of a back bumper
   Removal, installation and cowl adjustment
   Removal and installation drive a cable отпускания the cowl lock
   Removal, installation and adjustment of assemblage of the lock of a cowl
   Removal and installation of doors
   Removal and installation of panels of an internal upholstery of doors
   Removal and installation of door handles and lock components
   Removal and installation of door glasses and regulators Glass lifts
   Removal and installation of a door of a back and its persistent bars
   Removal, installation and adjustment of components of the lock of a door of a back
   Removal and installation of components of the uniform lock
   Removal and installation of components of the electric drive Glass lifts
   Removal and installation of external rear-view mirrors and accompanying components
   Windscreen and glass of a door of a back - the general information
   The top hatch
   Removal and installation of elements кузовной furnish
   Removal and installation of seats
   The mechanism натяжителя a seat belt of a forward seat - the general information
   Removal and installation of components of seat belts
   Removal and installation of elements of furnish of salon
   Removal and installation of the central console
   Removal and installation of the panel of devices
   Control кузовные the sizes
+ Onboard electric equipment

c9b0dd5c Источник:

Care of an upholstery and carpet coverings of salon

Each three months remove rugs and floor-mats and make cleaning of internal panels of an upholstery of salon. In case of need given procedure can be made more often. For dust cleaning, and also for cleaning of rugs also it is matte it is possible to take advantage of a rigid brush or a broom. Further all surfaces should be vacuumed carefully, especially along seams, joints and material folds.

The eaten dirt can be removed from carpet coverings by means of household or special automobile shampoos which for convenience are issued in the form of aerosols - follow instructions of manufacturers. In summary vacuum the processed site and "tousle" pile a rigid brush.

Do not leave in salon for drying of the cleaned upholstery any electric heating devices!