Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
- Engine repair
   + Repair without extraction from the car of the petrol engine of 1.3 l
   + Repair without extraction from the car of the petrol engine of 1.6 l
   + Repair without extraction from the car of the diesel engine
   - Dismantle of the power unit and engine major repairs
      Removal from the car of the power unit - preparation and safety measures, the general data on a suspension bracket of the power unit
      Removal, partition and installation of the power unit
      Engine major repairs - preliminary data
      Dismantling, clearing, check of a condition and assemblage of a head of cylinders
      Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and pushers of valves (the engine 1.3)
      Removal and installation of an intermediate shaft (the diesel engine)
      Removal, check of a condition and installation of shatunno-piston assemblages
      Removal and check of a condition of a cranked shaft
      Cleaning and check of a condition of the block of cylinders/kartera of the engine
      Check of a condition and selection of loose leaves radical and шатунных bearings of a cranked shaft
      Assembly order of the engine after major repairs performance
      Installation of a cranked shaft and check of working backlashes of radical bearings
      Installation of piston rings
      Installation of shatunno-piston assemblages on the engine and check of working backlashes шатунных bearings
      Initial start of the engine after end of its major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and pushers of valves (the engine 1.3)



1. Remove axis assemblage коромысел.
2. Serially take bars of pushers and combine them as installation on the engine in box specially prepared and broken into sections. Pay attention that bars of pushers of inlet valves are made of aluminium, and final - are cast from pig-iron.
3. Give four nuts of fastening of a cover of pushers to the forward party of the block of cylinders. Remove from hairpins of a washer and sealing plugs. Accurately having hooked, separate a cover from the block and remove it together with a rubber sealing lining.

4. Take pushers...

... Also lay their everyone to the bar. Get pushers and store in an order of their initial installation. Installation of components suitable for the use on the engine should be made strictly in a former order for the purpose of minimisation of speed of deterioration of working ledges of cams of a camshaft.

5. Remove a chain and asterisks of drive ГРМ.

6. Before to remove a camshaft, estimate its size axial люфта for what temporarily establish приводную a distributor gear wheel / the oil pump, тарельчатую and lock washers and screw a bolt in an end face of a pin of a shaft, having tightened it with demanded effort. Now with the help циферблатного a measuring instrument плунжерного type estimate axial люфт a shaft, having measured size of its free wheeling in a longitudinal direction.

7. If the result of measurement exceeds the admissible value stipulated in Specifications, at assemblage it is necessary to make replacement of a persistent plate of a shaft.

8. Remove temporarily established for check axial люфта components, then turn out three screws of fastening of a persistent plate of a camshaft to the block of cylinders...

... Remove a plate...

... Also take a shaft from the block.



1. Estimate degree of deterioration contacting to cams of a camshaft of working surfaces of pushers.
2. Putting each of pushers in the landing nest in the block, check up freedom of their landing. Pushers should move smoothly along the axis, but not have excessive lateral люфта.

3. In the presence of the necessary equipment the landing backlash of pushers in nests can be defined by direct measurements.

4. Excessively worn out (compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications), or the damaged pushers are subject to replacement.
5. At excessively free landing of pushers in nests, or revealing of signs of deterioration of the last above an admissible limit, it is necessary to give the block in проточку, and pushers to replace new, the repair size (with excess).
6. Check up a condition of cams and camshaft necks. In case of revealing of defects of a surface of necks estimate also a condition of corresponding bearings in a block body.

7. In the presence of the necessary equipment measure diameters of necks of a shaft, and also diameters of bearings in the block. By subtraction of results of the first measurement from the last define size of working backlashes in bearings compare results to requirements of Specifications.

8. In case of revealing of signs of serious deterioration of necks or cams the shaft is subject to replacement. At deterioration of bearings (compare results of measurement of their diameters with stipulated in Specifications), it is necessary to consider possibility проточки the block with the subsequent replacement of loose leaves with the repair. If проточка it is not represented possible, it is necessary to replace the block.
9. Check up a condition of a persistent plate of a camshaft. In case of revealing of signs of deterioration replace a plate.



1. Plentifully having greased necks and cams of a drive of valves with impellent oil, fill a camshaft in the block of cylinders.
2. Put on a persistent plate a pin of a shaft and fix it on the block of cylinders three screws. Repeat check axial люфта a shaft. Establish a persistent washer and check up axial люфт.
3. Establish into place a chain and asterisks of drive ГРМ.
4. Oil external surfaces of pushers and fill the last everyone in the landing nest in the block.
5. Check up a condition of a rubber sealing lining of a cover of pushers. In the absence of defects the old lining is subject to the further use.

6. Carefully wipe interfaced surfaces of the block and a cover, then accurately enclose a lining in a flute from the interior of a cover.

7. Establish a cover on the block - try not to displace and not to overwind a lining.

8. Put on hairpins sealing plugs and washers...

... Then screw nuts and tighten them with demanded effort.

9. Establish bars of pushers on the former places. Track correctness of placing in the pushers.
10. Establish assemblage of axes коромысел, adjust backlashes in valves (Routine maintenance see the Head), then establish into place a cover of a head of cylinders.