Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
- Engine repair
+ Repair without extraction from the car of the petrol engine of 1.3 l
+ Repair without extraction from the car of the petrol engine of 1.6 l
+ Repair without extraction from the car of the diesel engine
- Dismantle of the power unit and engine major repairs
Removal from the car of the power unit - preparation and safety measures, the general data on a suspension bracket of the power unit
Removal, partition and installation of the power unit
Engine major repairs - preliminary data
Dismantling, clearing, check of a condition and assemblage of a head of cylinders
Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and pushers of valves (the engine 1.3)
Removal and installation of an intermediate shaft (the diesel engine)
Removal, check of a condition and installation of shatunno-piston assemblages
Removal and check of a condition of a cranked shaft
Cleaning and check of a condition of the block of cylinders/kartera of the engine
Check of a condition and selection of loose leaves radical and шатунных bearings of a cranked shaft
Assembly order of the engine after major repairs performance
Installation of a cranked shaft and check of working backlashes of radical bearings
Installation of piston rings
Installation of shatunno-piston assemblages on the engine and check of working backlashes шатунных bearings
Initial start of the engine after end of its major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment
Cleaning and check of a condition of the block of cylinders/kartera of the engine
1. Remove from the block all hinged units and components, and also electric gauges and switches. For полнообъемной cleanings it is necessary to remove also выжимные stoppers of water galleries - drill in stoppers small apertures, screw in them саморезы and, seized flat-nose pliers for heads of screws, take stoppers from the block.
2. Scratch out all traces of a material of an old lining and hermetic from interfaced surfaces of the block. Try not to damage prokladochnye / sealing surfaces.
3. Take all заглушки oil galleries (where they are provided). Заглушки are planted very hardly and, probably, will demand drilling with the subsequent restoration of a carving by a tap. At assemblage of the engine replacement заглушек is made without fail.
4. If картер it is strongly polluted, it is necessary to resort to steam cleaning. After return of the block from cleaning it is necessary to clean again маслотоки and galleries. Wash out all internal cavities of the block warm water. Continue washing until pure water will not start to follow from apertures. Carefully dry the block, then slightly oil its interfaced surfaces and mirrors of cylinders in order to avoid corrosion development. If there is an access to a source of compressed air, take advantage of it for acceleration of process of drying and a purge of apertures, channels and galleries.
At use of compressed air put on goggles! |
5. If картер the engine it is polluted not too strongly, will enough wash out its hot soap water with application of a rigid brush. It is not necessary to try to save time for block washing - concern to this procedure with all responsibility. Without dependence from the chosen method of cleaning, as a result of its all oil apertures and channels should appear absolutely pure, and the block - carefully dried up. In order to avoid corrosion development slightly oil mirrors of cylinders.
6. All fixing apertures in the block are necessary for "banishing" a tap approaching on the size, carefully having removed from coils of a carving corrosion products, old hermetic and other adjournment. Besides, such "prorace" will help to restore the damaged coils. Whenever possible, blow apertures the compressed air, having removed from them a shaving and dust.
All traces of greasing and solvent should be completely removed from deaf apertures in order to avoid destruction of moulding of the block by hydraulic pressure at a tightening of bolts. |
7. Grease with suitable hermetic new заглушки oil galleries and screw them in the apertures in the block. Strongly tighten заглушки.
8. If be not going to start immediately engine assemblage, wrap the block in a pure polyethylene package. Do not forget to take care also of protection of interfaced surfaces and mirrors of cylinders against corrosion. |
1. Examine block moulding on presence of cracks and corrosion traces. Check up, whether the carving in any of fixing apertures is broken. If there were suspicions on internal leaks of a cooling liquid, probably, it makes sense to address to experts of car-care centre, having asked them to execute careful check of a condition of the block with application of the special equipment. In case of need make regenerative repair, or replace the block. |
2. Take sleeves of cylinders and check up their mirrors on presence of scratches and задиров. For the purpose of keeping of industrial admissions sleeves of three dimensional groups are issued. Corresponding marks are put a wall of each of sleeves.
3. It is necessary to make measurement of their diameters for more exact estimation of degree of deterioration of sleeves in several points. Enter нутромер into a sleeve of the first cylinder and measure its diameter in three various sections in parallel an axis of a cranked shaft. One measurement is made in the top part of a sleeve, the second is direct under edge of a fillet of the step deterioration, - in the central part of a sleeve and the third - at once over its bottom cut. Measurements are made in two planes - a parallel and perpendicular axis of a cranked shaft.
4. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications. If any of results falls outside the limits the admissible range, the corresponding sleeve is subject to replacement.
5. For definition of a backlash of landing of pistons in sleeves of cylinders it is necessary to subtract diameter of the piston measured on its skirt (see Has undressed Removal, check of a condition and installation of shatunno-piston assemblages) from diameter of a sleeve.
6. Alternatively, fill the piston in a corresponding sleeve and with the help probeа лезвийного type measure size люфта its landings. The piston should be entered into a sleeve in normal position, and люфт is measured on one of its persistent surfaces, is direct over the bottom cut of a sleeve.
7. If the backlash size exceeds the admissible value stipulated in Specifications, it is necessary to make piston replacement. If the piston клинит in the bottom part of a course, with gradual weakening of landing in process of its advancement upwards, means takes place конусность sleeves. Jamming of edges probeа at its displacement on perimetre of a forming surface of the piston speaks about ovality of a sleeve.
8. Repeat procedure, having estimated a condition of sleeves of each of cylinders.
9. In case of revealing of signs of excessive deterioration, or damages of mirrors, defective sleeves are subject to replacement.
10. As the replaceable sleeves, only the same dimensional group, as failed should be established. The same concerns pistons. Thus the size of pistons should correspond on group to the size of sleeves. Corresponding marks are put on walls of sleeves and the bottom of pistons.
11. If degree of deterioration of mirrors is low, will spend only replacement of piston rings enough.
12. Mirrors of sleeves thus are subject хонингованию for the purpose of maintenance of correctness of landing to them of new piston rings.
13. For procedure performance хонингования the special tool (хон) is required, allowing to put on a mirror surface uniform shaped a pattern in the form of a grid. Such uniform “загрубление” mirrors quality provides extra earnings of piston rings and guarantees due tightness of landing of pistons in sleeves. Both are issued хоны two types, intended for use complete with an electrodrill. Хон type “bottle ершик” represents a rigid cylindrical brush with abrasive inserts in a bristle. More widespread superficial хон it is equipped by a nozzle in the form of the grinding stones equipped подпружиненными with legs. Composers of the given Management recommend to beginning mechanics-fans to take advantage хоном the first type.
At desire хонингование always it is possible for quite reasonable payment to charge to experts of a workshop of car-care centre. |
14. Prepare хон one of described above types, an electrodrill, enough of pure rags, it is a little хонинговочного oils and goggles.
15. Clamp хон in an electrodrill cartridge. Moisten mirrors of cylinders хонинговочным with oil and fill хон in the first sleeve, preliminary having compressed it подпружиненные grinding stones (if the nozzle of the second type is used). Include a drill and at once start to move a nozzle upwards-downwards on the cylinder, achieving occurrence on a mirror of the cylinder of a uniform shaped pattern in the form of a grid with ромбообразной ячеей which parties are crossed at an angle nearby 60 . Some manufacturers of piston rings insist on other values of corners of crossing of strokes of a pattern - familiarise with the instructions applied on a set of new piston rings.
Do not forget to put on goggles! |
16. Do not feel sorry some oil at хонинговании cylinders. Do not remove from a mirror of a sleeve of more material, than it is really necessary for achievement of demanded result. Do not take хон from a sleeve until its rotation definitively will not stop - all this time continue to make back and forth motions by a drill. After a drill stop, continue rotation of its cartridge in a former direction manually and take a nozzle from the cylinder.
17. Carefully wipe a mirror pure rags and pass to хонингованию sleeves of the following cylinder. Having finished procedure, wash out the block of cylinders hot water with soap, completely having removed all traces of an abrasive and хонинговочного oils. It is possible to consider cleaning finished when at carrying out on mirrors of sleeves the white rags moistened in oil on last does not remain stains of grey colour.
18. For extraction of sleeves turn the block of cylinders and lay it on wooden blocks. Now sleeves can be beaten out from cylinders with the help выколотки, made of firm wood.
19. After all sleeves will be liberated, lay the block of cylinders sideways and take sleeves manually.
20. Remove from the bases of sleeves sealing washers and measure their thickness. Washers of the various sizes are issued and by their selection size updating выступания sleeves over a block surface is carried out. Pick up replaceable washers for each of sleeves.
21. The basic geometrical characteristics of sleeves are presented on illustrations. If sleeves are in good repair and are subject to the further use, mark them by means of an adhesive tape about an accessory to the cylinder.
And — the Designation of a dimensional class of a sleeve
b — the Place of measurement of internal diameter
22. Before installation carefully wipe interfaced surfaces of sleeves and a side, then by processing by a fine-grained emery paper remove all agnails, teases and the roughnesses, capable to lead to failure of new sealing washers.
23. Carefully wipe sleeves and establish on them new sealing washers of a demanded thickness. Grease walls of sleeves with pure impellent oil. |
24. At installation of old sleeves watch correctness of combination of the landing labels put in the course of dismantle. Try not to admit loss of sealing washers in the course of landing of sleeves in cylinders. At the first stage of a sleeve it is necessary to push in cylinders manually against the stop. Further sleeves застукиваются a hammer through the wooden block against the stop in a landing coat hanger. |
25. Having established all four sleeves, measure their size выступания over a block plane - take advantage of a steel ruler and probeом лезвийного type. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications. |
26. In case of need take incorrectly planted sleeve and replace on it a sealing washer. Washers are issued by thickness 0.10, 0.12 and 0.14 mm.
27. Having replaced a washer, establish a sleeve and again check up its size выступания.
28. Having finished updating of landing of sleeves, temporarily fix them in cylinders special rectangular washers |
Engines of 1.6 l and diesel
1. Visually check up block moulding on presence of cracks and corrosion traces. Check up, whether the carving in any of fixing apertures is broken. If there were suspicions on internal leaks of a cooling liquid, probably, it makes sense to address to experts of car-care centre, having asked them to execute careful check of a condition of the block with application of the special equipment. In case of need make regenerative repair, or replace the block.
2. Check up mirrors of cylinders on presence of scratches and задиров. At this sort of detection of defects it is necessary to check up a condition of corresponding pistons (see Has undressed Removal, check of a condition and installation of shatunno-piston assemblages). Developments being in an initial stage defects can be eliminated at the given stage by проточки the block in the conditions of a car-care centre workshop.
3. It is necessary to make measurement of their diameters for more exact estimation of degree of deterioration of cylinders in several points. Enter нутромер into the first cylinder and make measurement of its diameter in three various sections in parallel an axis of a cranked shaft. One measurement is made in the top part of the cylinder, the second is direct under edge of a fillet of the step deterioration, - in the central part of the cylinder and the third - on distance about 10 mm over its bottom cut.
The block should be established on a workbench strictly horizontally. |
4. Repeat measurements, this time in planes, perpendicular axes of a cranked shaft. Write down results of all six measurements and compare them to requirements of Specifications. If the difference of diameters any of two cylinders falls outside the limits an admissible range, cylinders are subject проточке with the subsequent replacement of pistons on new, the corresponding repair size. Unique alternative проточке cylinders is full replacement of the block complete with pistons.
5. Having taken advantage of records of results of measurements of diameters of pistons (see Has undressed Removal, check of a condition and installation of shatunno-piston assemblages), calculate backlashes of landing of pistons in cylinders by subtraction of these diameters from diameters of cylinders. As requirements to landing of pistons at the moment of drawing up of the present Management by manufacturers are not stipulated, address for consultations to experts of the firm service-centre of company Skoda.
6. Lay the block on a workbench, картером downwards and by means of a steel ruler and probeа лезвийного type check up planeness its interfaced surfaces. If results of check exceed the admissible value stipulated in Specifications, the block can is subjected проточке (only for petrol engines) or replaced. On diesel engines performance проточки the block is not obviously possible.
7. Before engine assemblage it is necessary to make хонингование cylinders.
8. Slightly grease mirrors of cylinders with pure impellent oil in order to avoid corrosion development. Till the moment of the beginning of assemblage wrap the block in a polyethylene package and clean it in a safe place. |