Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
- Engine repair
   + Repair without extraction from the car of the petrol engine of 1.3 l
   + Repair without extraction from the car of the petrol engine of 1.6 l
   + Repair without extraction from the car of the diesel engine
   - Dismantle of the power unit and engine major repairs
      Removal from the car of the power unit - preparation and safety measures, the general data on a suspension bracket of the power unit
      Removal, partition and installation of the power unit
      Engine major repairs - preliminary data
      Dismantling, clearing, check of a condition and assemblage of a head of cylinders
      Removal, check of a condition and installation of a camshaft and pushers of valves (the engine 1.3)
      Removal and installation of an intermediate shaft (the diesel engine)
      Removal, check of a condition and installation of shatunno-piston assemblages
      Removal and check of a condition of a cranked shaft
      Cleaning and check of a condition of the block of cylinders/kartera of the engine
      Check of a condition and selection of loose leaves radical and шатунных bearings of a cranked shaft
      Assembly order of the engine after major repairs performance
      Installation of a cranked shaft and check of working backlashes of radical bearings
      Installation of piston rings
      Installation of shatunno-piston assemblages on the engine and check of working backlashes шатунных bearings
      Initial start of the engine after end of its major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Installation of a cranked shaft and check of working backlashes of radical bearings

The engine of 1.3 l

Definition of a working backlash of radical bearings


1. Wipe backs of the picked up loose leaves and their bed in the block of cylinders and covers of bearings.

2. Enclose loose leaves in the beds, having tracked, that their uvulas have entered into gearing with reciprocal samples in a block/covers body.

... Try not to touch working surfaces of loose leaves. We will notice what to confuse the bottom loose leaves with top it is almost impossible, in view of асимметричности arrangements of directing uvulas. Besides, in the top loose leaves the flute is provided.

3. Old loose leaves suitable for the use should be established in the block and covers of bearings strictly in a former order.
4. At installation of the pierced shaft complete with a set of firm loose leaves of a repair set of manufacture of company Skoda necessity for checks described more low disappears.
5. Check of working backlashes of radical bearings should be made in the presence of the slightest doubts in an estimation of degree of deterioration of a shaft, and also in case of installation of the pierced shaft complete with repair loose leaves of not firm manufacture. Definition by a backlash can be made any of two described methods.
6. The first method, more difficult in view of necessity of application нутромеров and колумбуса, demands installation of covers of radical bearings (with the loose leaves enclosed in them) on the block. Tighten bolts of fastening of covers with demanded effort (during check of backlashes of bearings old bolts are used). Now nutromerom/kolumbusom measure internal diameter of each of bearings. Further it is necessary to subtract diameters of corresponding radical necks of a cranked shaft from the received results. Compare results of calculations to requirements of Specifications.
7. The second method means application of special measuring set Plastigage. The backlash size is defined on degree of flattening of pieces of the soft calibrated wire from a set at сжимании them between loose leaves of radical bearings and shaft necks. Measurement of width of the flattened out pieces of a wire is made on put on packing of a set to a scale.
8. The information on suppliers of measuring sets can be received on any car repair shop.
9. Enclose the top loose leaves of radical bearings in the beds in the block of cylinders, then cautiously lay in the block a cranked shaft. Do not use some any greasing - shaft necks should be absolutely pure and dry.

10. Cut corresponding quantity of pieces of the calibrated wire. The length of each of pieces should hardly be shorter than length of radical necks of a cranked shaft. Lay them along necks, in parallel an axis of the last.

11. Wipe working surfaces of the bottom loose leaves in covers of bearings and grease with their thin layer silicone компаунда for the purpose of prevention of sticking of the calibrated wire. Establish covers on the regular places in the engine - be verified with factory marks. Screw old fixing bolts and tighten them with demanded effort. Do not suppose проворачивания a cranked shaft after laying on it of the calibrated wire.
12. In stages in regular intervals ослабьте, then turn out fixing bolts and remove covers, watching to breaking integrity of the flattened out pieces of a wire.

13. On a scale put on packing of set Plastigage, define size of a working backlash of bearings on degree of flattening of the calibrated wire - do not forget that on packing two scales (inch and metric) can be put. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications.

14. If the backlash size leaves for admissible limits, whether check up the dirt or extraneous particles has got under a back of the loose leaf. Wipe backs of loose leaves and their bed and repeat check. At repetition of negative result check up correctness of selection of loose leaves (the Section Replacement of an epiploon of an intermediate shaft see). If the calibrated wire appears flattened out with one end more than from another, hence, the neck has конусность and is subject проточке.
15. If the backlash size appears excessive, despite correctness of selection of loose leaves, shaft necks should be pierced under installation of loose leaves of the next repair size (the Section Replacement of an epiploon of an intermediate shaft see).
16. In summary, having made sure of conformity of sizes of a working backlash of bearings to standard requirements, remove traces of the flattened out wire from shaft necks, cautiously having scratched out their edge of an old credit card.

Definitive installation of a cranked shaft


1. Accurately take a cranked shaft from the block of cylinders.
2. According to the instructions stated above, lay loose leaves of radical bearings in the beds in the block of cylinders and covers. At installation of new loose leaves track, that from their surface preserving greasing has been completely removed - wash out loose leaves kerosene, then carefully wipe pure неворсящейся rags. Wipe also radical necks of a cranked shaft. Plentifully grease the top loose leaves of radical bearings of a cranked shaft in the block with pure engine oil of a demanded grade.

3. Put on the right pin of a cranked shaft an internal persistent washer. Track, that washers it has appeared it is established by flutes маслотоков to a crank cheek.

4. Having tracked correctness of its landing, accurately lay a cranked shaft in the block of cylinders, then, grease the bottom loose leaves and shaft necks with pure impellent oil.

5. Develop a persistent washer a uvula upwards that at installation of a cover of the first radical bearing it has got to the reciprocal sample provided in it.

6. According to marks, establish on the places of a cover of radical bearings. Achieve combination of a uvula of a persistent washer with reciprocal sample in a cover of the first bearing, then densely plant a washer in reception deepening.

7. Screw bolts of fastening of covers and in stages in regular intervals tighten them with demanded effort.

8. Check up freedom проворачивания a cranked shaft and measure its size axial люфта (see Has undressed Removal and check of a condition of a cranked shaft). Before to tighten a bolt of a pulley of a cranked shaft make sure of clearness of hit of uvulas of internal and external persistent washers in reciprocal samples in a bearing cover. The illegibility of an arrangement of washers can lead to their destruction as a result of shaft jamming at a tightening of a bolt of a pulley.
9. Remove from interfaced surfaces of a casing of a back epiploon and the block of cylinders all traces of a material of an old lining and hermetic.

10. Accurately having hooked, take from a casing an old epiploon and replace its new, perpendicularly having planted it on a persistent coat hanger of a casing (sponges inside). In case of need take advantage for landing of an epiploon by a hammer with soft the brisk.

11. If at dismantle the casing has been equipped by a sealing lining, establish on the block a new lining, accurately having planted it on directing pins. If the lining has not been provided, put on an interfaced surface of a casing a thin layer прокладочного hermetic.

12. Accurately putting on an epiploon a shaft pin, press a casing to the block, having tracked correctness of its landing to directing pins.

13. Screw fixing screws and strongly tighten them. At lining use accurately cut off its acting edge a sharp knife.
14. Now it is possible to start installation of shatunno-piston assemblages (see Has undressed the Flywheel - removal, check and installation).

Engines of 1.6 l and diesel


1. Lay the block of cylinders on a pure horizontal working surface картером upwards. Отболтите covers of bearings, accurately remove them from the block and spread out as installation on the engine. If yet have not done it, take from the beds in covers and the block loose leaves of bearings and carefully wipe their pure неворсящейся rags.

2. Wipe backs of loose leaves and their bed in the block of cylinders and covers of bearings. Enclose loose leaves in bed, having tracked, that their uvulas have entered into gearing with reciprocal samples in a block/covers body, and oil apertures were combined in the correct image. Do not try at all застукивать loose leaves in bed a hammer - their working surfaces should remain untouched.

And — Sample in bearing business
In — a loose leaf Uvula
With — the Oil aperture

3. Once again carefully wipe rags working surfaces of loose leaves and a shaft neck. Make sure of passableness маслотоков in a body of a cranked shaft.
4. Accurately enclose a cranked shaft in картер - try not to admit displacement of loose leaves.

Definition of a working backlash of radical bearings


1. Address to materials of subsection Definition of a working backlash of radical bearings with that amendment that the fixture of covers should be tightened only with effort of 1st stage.
Definitive installation of a cranked shaft
2. Cautiously take a cranked shaft from the block. Wipe surfaces of loose leaves. Establish persistent washers (half ring) from both parties of bed № 3, located between the second and third cylinders. For time fixing of half rings take advantage консистентной of greasing and track correctness of their landing in reception samples.

Persistent half rings are established by flutes маслотоков outside.

3. Grease the top loose leaves of bearings with pure impellent oil.
4. Enclose a cranked shaft in the block so that cranks of the second and third cylinders have appeared in positions ВМТ, and the first and the fourth - in НМТ.

5. Grease the bottom loose leaves in covers of bearings, establish persistent half rings in samples of a cover of 3rd bearing. Acting uvulas of half rings should get to reciprocal deepenings on cover walls.

6. In a correct order establish covers of radical bearings on the engine (the first the bearing nearest to a belt of drive ГРМ) is. Track, that samples under directing uvulas of loose leaves in covers and block beds have appeared are combined. Screw bolts of fastening of covers (on the diesel engine - new) and tighten them from installation.

7. Moving from the centre outside, tighten bolts with effort of the first stage.

8. Operating in a former order, hold on bolts on a corner of 2nd stage of a tightening (take advantage of a goniometer or template specially made of a dense cardboard).
9. Establish assemblage of a casing of a back epiploon with the new epiploon enclosed in it.
10. Check up freedom проворачивания a cranked shaft. In case of revealing of jerks and points закусывания, without postponing, investigate and eliminate the reason - once again check up working backlashes in bearings.
11. Check up axial люфт a shaft (see Has undressed Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders). If persistent surfaces of a shaft are not worn out, and half rings are replaced, люфт should be in norm.