Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
- Engine repair
   + Repair without extraction from the car of the petrol engine of 1.3 l
   + Repair without extraction from the car of the petrol engine of 1.6 l
   - Repair without extraction from the car of the diesel engine
      The description of the basic knots and mechanisms
      Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point (ВМТ) the end of a step of compression
      Check of tightness of chambers of combustion
      Removal and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ and its covers
      Removal and installation натяжителя and cogwheels of a belt of drive ГРМ
      Removal, installation and adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of auxiliary units
      Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders
      Replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft
      Replacement of an epiploon of an intermediate shaft
      Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft
      Removal and installation of a head of cylinders in gathering with the inlet pipeline and a final collector
      Check of serviceability of functioning of hydraulic pushers
      Flywheel - removal, check and installation
      Support of the power unit - check and replacement
      The pallet - removal, check and installation
      Removal and installation of the oil pump and assemblage маслозаборника
   + Dismantle of the power unit and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Removal and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ and its covers

The general information

The basic function of a gear belt is the drive of a camshaft from cranked. In parallel the belt is used also for drive ТНВД and an intermediate shaft of the engine. Проскальзывание or breakage газораспределительного a belt at the working engine can lead to serious internal damages of a head of cylinders as a result of contact of valves to the bottoms of pistons.

In view of told, extreme importance is got by a regularity of performance of checks of correctness of adjustment of effort of a tension of a belt and its general condition. Performance of the given checks becomes possible only after dismantle of covers of a belt.

Removal of back (internal) section of a cover газораспределительного a belt is included in structure of procedure of replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft (the Section Replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft see).



1. Before to start procedure performance it is necessary to make иммобилизацию the engine and the car:

a) Disconnect a negative wire from the battery.
b) Prop up wedges back wheels of the car and cock a lay brake. Control lever РКПП translate in neutral position.
2. For the purpose of maintenance of the best access to external covers remove from a mudguard an air cleaner, and also disconnect air from a cover of the inlet pipeline (the Power supply system see the Head).
3. Hang out the engine with the help лебедки, or having propped up its hydraulic jack (for the purpose of loading distribution, between a head of a jack and the pallet картера it is necessary to lay wooden брусок).
4. In stages release and turn out fixing bolts and remove from the car the right and back support of the power unit (the Section of the Support of the power unit - check and replacement see). Отболтите also the bottom part of the right support from a head of cylinders.
5. Result the engine in position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder (see Has undressed Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point (ВМТ) the end of a step of compression).
6. Remove a belt of a drive of auxiliary units (see Has undressed Removal, installation and adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of auxiliary units).
7. Slightly lower the engine, having provided free space for removal of pulleys auxiliary drive a belt.
8. Turn out fixing bolts and remove from the engine pulleys of the water pump and a cranked shaft.

For a guarantee of reliable blocking of a pulley in process отдавания bolts of its fastening include the higher transfer (do not forget to be switched again to a neutral after pulley removal) and ask the assistant to squeeze out a pedal of a foot brake firmly. It is possible to take advantage also of a rubber cord / old приводным a belt, densely having wrapped up it round a pulley.

9. Turn out a bolt of fastening of a roller натяжителя auxiliary drive a belt (the bolt has the left carving!). Remove a roller.
10. Release metal wire clamps.

Also turn out a bolt of fastening of the top cover газораспределительного a belt.

11. Liberate from a clamp on a cover fuel tubes and take them aside. Remove the top cover of a belt from the engine.

12. Turn out bolts, release clamps and remove the bottom cover of a belt.
13. Check up reliability of landing of a blocking pin of cogwheel ТНВД (see Has undressed Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point (ВМТ) the end of a step of compression), then ослабьте on a half-turn three external bolts of a wheel.

Do not release the central nut of a wheel as it will lead to infringement of base installations ТНВД.

14. Loosen the a tension газораспределительного a belt, slightly having released for this purpose a fixing nut натяжителя.
15. Check up a belt on presence of factory directional markers of rotation. In case of need put corresponding marks independently (if certainly the belt is in a satisfactory condition and is subject to the further use).
16. Trying not to bend and not to overwind excessively, remove a belt from cogwheels.
17. Check up a belt on presence of traces of pollution by a cooling liquid or oil. In case of detection of those, try to reveal immediately a source of leak and to eliminate its reason. It is necessary to give special attention to a condition of leading edges of teeths of the working party of a belt. The worn out, polluted or defective belt is subject to replacement.

Through each 50 000 km (30 000 miles) run the belt should be changed without dependence from its condition.

18. If the belt back not is established at once, on the engine it is necessary to hang the precautionary tablet on purpose not to admit casual проворачивания its shaft. For a guarantee it is possible to seal up just in case the ignition lock.



1. Make sure that the cranked shaft is in position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder (see Has undressed Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point (ВМТ) the end of a step of compression).

2. On a half-turn release a bolt of a cogwheel of a camshaft. Cautiously tapping on выколотке, passed in specially provided aperture in an internal cover of a belt, ослабьте wheel landing on конусной to a camshaft support.

3. Observing a direction of rotation demanded according to marks, freely throw газораспределительный a belt through a cogwheel of a cranked shaft.
4. Enter a belt into gearing with teeths of a wheel of a cranked shaft, then throw with it cogwheels of a camshaft and ТНВД. Make sure of correctness of landing of a belt on cogwheels.

It is not excluded that for achievement of adequacy of landing of a belt it is necessary to correct slightly position of cogwheels of a camshaft and ТНВД.

5. Without supposing перекручивания, get a belt the smooth party under rollers of an intermediate shaft and натяжителя.
6. Track, that the forward part of a belt has appeared hardly tense, and all weak point had on a site got under a roller натяжителя.

7. Pull a belt, rotating clockwise equipped эксцентриковой a support натяжитель - in a nave натяжителя specially for this purpose two apertures into which the ends of flat-nose pliers for removal/installation of the lock rings, representing an excellent equivalent of special firm tool Skoda can be inserted are provided.

... Continue to rotate натяжитель until landing labels in a kind risks and a ledge will be combined among themselves. Having finished adjustment, tighten with demanded effort a counternut.

8. Now once again make sure that the cranked shaft on the former is in position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder (see Has undressed Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point (ВМТ) the end of a step of compression).
9. Tighten a bolt of a cogwheel of a camshaft with demanded effort (see Has undressed Removal and installation натяжителя and cogwheels of a belt of drive ГРМ).
10. Tighten three external bolts of cogwheel ТНВД, then take a blocking pin.
11. Remove блокиратор a camshaft (see Has undressed Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point (ВМТ) the end of a step of compression).
12. By means of a face key turn a cranked shaft on two complete revolutions for a cogwheel bolt, again having stopped it in position ВМТ of the end of a step of compression of the piston of the first cylinder. Make sure of possibility of introduction of a blocking pin in cogwheel ТНВД (see Has undressed Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point (ВМТ) the end of a step of compression). Make sure of correctness of a tension газораспределительного a belt, in case of need repeat adjustment.
13. Check up serviceability of functioning натяжителя (see Has undressed Removal and installation натяжителя and cogwheels of a belt of drive ГРМ).
14. Establish into place the bottom and top sections of an external cover газораспределительного a belt. Latch clamps and strongly tighten fixing bolts.
15. Establish into place a roller натяжителя a belt of a drive of auxiliary units and tighten a bolt of its fastening (with the left carving!) with demanded effort.
16. Establish a pulley of the water pump, tighten with demanded effort fixing bolts.
17. Establish a pulley of an auxiliary belt on a cogwheel of a cranked shaft, then, operating as well as at removal, tighten with demanded effort bolts of its fastening.

The asymmetrical arrangement of fixing apertures provides unambiguity of installation of a pulley.

18. Establish into place a belt of a drive of auxiliary units and adjust effort of its tension (see Has undressed Removal, installation and adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of auxiliary units).
19. Raise the engine, having provided possibility of connection of the right and back support of a suspension bracket of the power unit.
20. Establish to the place of a support and tighten with demanded effort bolts of their fastening. In summary disconnect an elevating rigging/clean from under the engine a jack.
21. Connect an air inlet sleeve to a cover of the inlet pipeline and a mudguard of an arch of a wheel.
22. Connect a negative wire to the battery.
23. In summary check up correctness of base installations ТНВД (the Power supply system see the Head).