Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
- Brake system
   The general information
   System design, the description of separate knots and mechanisms
   Prorolling of hydraulic system
   Replacement of hoses and tubes of a hydraulic path of brake system
   Replacement колодок disk brake mechanisms of forward wheels
   Replacement of boots of drum-type brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Condition check, removal and installation of disks of forward brake mechanisms
   Removal, check of a condition and installation of drums of brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Removal, major repairs and installation of supports of brake mechanisms of forward wheels
   Removal, major repairs and installation of wheel cylinders of back brake mechanisms
   Removal, major repairs and installation of the main brake cylinder (ГТЦ)
   Removal and installation of a pedal of a foot brake
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of the vacuum amplifier of brakes
   Removal, check of a condition and installation of the control valve of the vacuum amplifier of brakes from a hose
   Adjustment of a lay brake
   Removal and installation of the lever of a lay brake
   Removal and installation of cables of a drive of a lay brake
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of the valve-regulator of pressure in hydraulic contours of brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Removal, installation and adjustment of the gauge-switch of stoplights
   System of antiblocking of brakes (ABS) - the general information
   Removal and installation of components of systems ABS
   Removal and installation of the vacuum pump (diesel models)
   Check of a condition and major repairs of the vacuum pump (diesel models)
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Prorolling of hydraulic system

The hydraulic liquid is highly toxic substance - try not to suppose its hit on open sites of a skin and in eyes. Casual splashes immediately wash off plentiful quantity at its finest. Remember that hit even insignificant quantity of a brake liquid in a digestive path is fraught with the most serious consequences, up to a lethal outcome. Some types of hydraulic liquids are also combustible and can ignite at contact with разогретыми to enough heat surfaces - observe corresponding measures of fire safety. Along with toxicity, the brake liquid differs the raised chemical aggression and is capable to damage easily a paint and varnish covering кузовных car panels. At liquid hit on body elements immediately wash off its traces a plentiful quantity of water. At last, it is necessary to pay attention of the reader to high hygroscopicity of a brake liquid. The last means ability to absorb from air a moisture containing in it that speaks about inadmissibility of use long stored in негерметично to the closed container of a liquid. Add in system only fresh a hydraulic liquid of a demanded grade.

On the models equipped ABS, before рассоединением hydraulic brake lines without fail disconnect the storage battery. To connect the battery follows only after connection of all hydraulic lines of a brake path. Infringement of the given requirement is fraught with hit in the hydraulic modulator of air which removal in the course of usual prorolling of system is not obviously possible and demands use of a special electronic tester (VAG 1552).

The general information

To achieve serviceability of functioning of any hydraulic system it is possible only, completely having removed from its path air stoppers. Removal of air from brake system is made by its "prorolling".

In the course of performance of prorolling of brake system add in it only a fresh hydraulic liquid of a demanded grade. The liquid merged from system is not subject to the repeated use. Before to start procedure performance make sure available a sufficient stock of a fresh brake liquid.

In the presence of the slightest suspicions on presence at system of a poor-quality brake liquid the hydraulic path should be washed carefully out a fresh liquid of a demanded grade. Besides, it is necessary to replace all used in components and lines of system of a cuff and sealing rings.

In case of loss of a hydraulic liquid or hit in system of air as a result of development of leaks, before prorolling it is necessary to eliminate all taking place defects.

Tyre out the car on a platform / a viewing hole, muffle a distance, cock a lay brake and include the first or a reverse gear, then prop up wedges back wheels. Be alternative the car can поддомкрачен and it is established on reliable props (for the purpose of simplification of access remove wheels).

Check up reliability of fastening штуцерных connections of brake lines and gates of prorolling of supports / wheel cylinders. Carefully wipe outside gates and surfaces surrounding them.

Uncover and add in tank GTTS a fresh hydraulic liquid, having finished its level to a mark the MOVE. Again freely screw a cover. Remember that in the course of performance of prorolling of system liquid level in the tank should not fall below mark MIN, otherwise air and all undertaken efforts can get to the cylinder will go насмарку.

Now in shops of automobile accessories always it is possible to get the special sets, allowing to make prorolling of brake system of the car by forces of one person. Use of a such set appreciably simplifies procedure of prorolling and reduces risk засасывания back already extorted of it a hydraulic liquid and air. If the special set near at hand is not available, it is necessary to resort to the help of the assistant. The description of procedures of prorolling of brake system is stated by forces of one and two persons more low in corresponding subsections.

At performance of prorolling of a hydraulic contour with application спецнабора the car should be prepared for procedure according to the instructions resulted above. Further it is necessary to operate according to the instructions applied on a set. The general principle of using is stated by such sets more low in corresponding subsections.

Without dependence from what method of prorolling will be selected, the sequence of performance of procedure should remain invariable, being pledge of completeness of removal of air from a hydraulic path.

Sequence of performance of prorolling


1. If system prorolling is made for the purpose of removal of air which has got to a path as a result of a detachment of components only by one of parts of a hydraulic contour, will pump over only the given concrete brake mechanism enough.
2. In case of need removals of air stoppers from all system, the sequence of performance of prorolling should be following:

a) the Brake mechanism of the right back wheel;
b) the Brake mechanism of the left back wheel;
c) the Brake mechanism of the right forward wheel;
d) the Brake mechanism of the left forward wheel.

Base method of performance of prorolling of brake system forces of two persons


1. Prepare suitable drain capacity with transparent walls, a piece of a plastic tube or the rubber hose which is densely sitting down on the gate of prorolling, and накидной a key for поворачивания the gate. Will get support of a companion.
2. Remove from the gate of prorolling of the corresponding brake mechanism a dustproof cap, put on the gate a head накидного a key, trace pull a hose which second end should be lowered in transparent capacity partially filled with a pure brake liquid. The hose cut should appear completely is shipped in a liquid.
3. Make sure of sufficiency of level of a liquid in tank GTTS. Remember that during all time of performance of procedure liquid level should not fall below mark MIN.
4. Ask the assistant to squeeze out against the stop some a pedal of a foot brake for the purpose of pressure creation in system. On last step the pedal should be fixed in the bottom position.
5. At the kept squeezed out pedal of a foot brake turn on (approximately on one turn) the gate of prorolling and observe for выпусканием through a hose in drain capacity of a liquid containing air bubbles. The assistant should press constantly a pedal until it will not rest against a floor. When вытекание liquids from a hose will stop, tighten the gate of prorolling and ask the assistant to release a pedal slowly. At once check up liquid level in tank GTTS, in case of need make updating.
6. Repeat performance of procedures of paragraphs 4 and 5 until the hose will not start to leave a transparent, free liquid from air bubbles. If prorolling of the first in the order of the brake mechanism of system after опорожнения ГТЦ is made, the pause between cycles should make not less than five seconds necessary for filling by a liquid of internal cavities of the cylinder.
7. Having finished prorolling, strongly tighten the gate, remove from it a hose and накидной a key and establish a dustproof cap.

Do not tighten the gate too hardly.

8. In case of need repeat procedure, in a demanded order having pumped over brake mechanisms of the remained wheels of the car for the purpose of full removal of air from a hydraulic path.

Order of performance of prorolling of brake system with use of a set with the unilateral valve


1. As appears from the set name, its main component is the unilateral valve built in in a drain tube and providing its unilateral passableness. The transparent drain capacity should be established so that freely to be looked through from a driver's place in car salon.

2. The drain tube one end puts on on the gate of prorolling which is left opened on all time of performance of procedure. Further the operator sits down on a driver's place and starts to squeeze out and release smooth uniform movements a pedal of a foot brake until the tube will not start to leave transparent, free from bubbles a brake liquid.

3. Do not forget about necessity of maintenance of level of a liquid for tank GTTS.

Order of performance of prorolling of brake system with application of a set with a source of compressed air


1. As an independent source of compressed air the spare wheel of the car pressure in which should be dumped a little below normal (see instructions of manufacturers of a set) usually is used.
2. At the expense of connection to tank GTTS filled with a hydraulic liquid and compressed air of the container connected to a source the operator is released from necessity of a manipulation by a pedal of a foot brake. Now simply enough to open and close the gate, observing of a liquid superseded from system.
3. The method is good that presence of a sufficient stock of a hydraulic liquid in the container connected to tank GTTS allows not to worry about necessity of tracking its level.
4. The given method appears especially effective at prorolling of paths with the lowered passableness, and also at replacement of a brake liquid during performance of routine maintenance of the car.

All methods


1. On termination of prorolling of system and restoration of sensation of normal hardness at squeezing of a pedal of a foot brake, check up reliability of a tightening of gates of prorolling, collect rags traces of the spilt liquid and make sure that have not forgotten to put on gates dustproof caps.
2. Check up level of a hydraulic liquid in tank GTTS, in case of need make corresponding updating.
5. The hydraulic liquid merged from system is not subject to a reuse and should be handed over in special place of acceptance on recycling of a toxic waste.
4. Make sure in испрвности functioning of a pedal of a foot brake. If the sensation of softness at pedal squeezing remains, hence, from system is removed all air and prorolling procedure it is necessary to repeat. If to remove air from a path and during repeated prorolling it is not possible, check up a condition of sealing cuffs ГТЦ.

At occurrence of the slightest doubts in испрвности on equipped ABS models the car should be driven away functioning of brake system immediately on a car repair shop for performance of diagnostics of a condition of the hydraulic modulator with application of special tester VAG 1552.