Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
- Brake system
   The general information
   System design, the description of separate knots and mechanisms
   Prorolling of hydraulic system
   Replacement of hoses and tubes of a hydraulic path of brake system
   Replacement колодок disk brake mechanisms of forward wheels
   Replacement of boots of drum-type brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Condition check, removal and installation of disks of forward brake mechanisms
   Removal, check of a condition and installation of drums of brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Removal, major repairs and installation of supports of brake mechanisms of forward wheels
   Removal, major repairs and installation of wheel cylinders of back brake mechanisms
   Removal, major repairs and installation of the main brake cylinder (ГТЦ)
   Removal and installation of a pedal of a foot brake
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of the vacuum amplifier of brakes
   Removal, check of a condition and installation of the control valve of the vacuum amplifier of brakes from a hose
   Adjustment of a lay brake
   Removal and installation of the lever of a lay brake
   Removal and installation of cables of a drive of a lay brake
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of the valve-regulator of pressure in hydraulic contours of brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Removal, installation and adjustment of the gauge-switch of stoplights
   System of antiblocking of brakes (ABS) - the general information
   Removal and installation of components of systems ABS
   Removal and installation of the vacuum pump (diesel models)
   Check of a condition and major repairs of the vacuum pump (diesel models)
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment

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Replacement of hoses and tubes of a hydraulic path of brake system

The prevention in the beginning see the system Design, the description of separate knots and mechanisms Has undressed.

Models without ABS


1. In case of need detachments of a hydraulic tube or a hose it is necessary to take measures against excessive losses of a brake liquid. Uncover tank GTTS, enclose under it a polyethylene film and again densely screw - reliable enough hermetic sealing of the tank and depression created in it now will be provided at a liquid exit will not allow its level to fall excessively strongly. It is alternatively possible to press a special clip the nearest to subject to undocking штуцерному to connection a hydraulic hose. The open ends of rigid hydraulic tubes/unions can be corked right after detachments in order to avoid hit in dirt system. For gathering of a spilt liquid enclose under connection subject to undocking rags.

2. In need of a detachment of a flexible brake hose before to remove a spring collar of its fastening in the arm it is necessary to release накидную a nut штуцерного knot of joining of a hose with a rigid tube.

3. To give накидные nuts штуцерных connections is better by means of a special key of the suitable size - ask in shops of automobile accessories. At absence near at hand a special key it is possible to take advantage densely sitting down on шлицы nuts рожковым of a key, however, if the nut is tightened hardly enough, such way is connected with risk of a rounding off of its corners as a result of key failures. In that case it is necessary to try to give a nut with the help самоконтрящегося арматурного a key (Swede). In case of damage шлицов the nut is subject to replacement in gathering with the tube. Before a partition штуцерного connections always carefully wipe it outside in order to avoid hit in dirt system. At undocking more than one connection try to remember an order of installation of removed sections precisely.

4. Replaceable brake tubes of various length with развальцованными the ends and put on накидными nuts can be got in company Skoda services-centres. Having picked up section of the demanded length (corresponding removed) it is necessary to give only to it the necessary form for correct placing on the car. Alternatively brake tubes can be made to order in a workshop of car-care centre of details let out by sets. It is necessary to measure only precisely length of the original removed from the car. Will be most correct to take an old tube with itself in shop or a workshop.
5. At installation do not tighten штуцерные a nut too hardly - tightness of connection is not so proportional to effort of a tightening of its components, and is defined by correctness of their assemblage.
6. Make sure of correctness of a lining of brake tubes and hoses. Track, that lines have not appeared are overwound and have been reliably fixed in all provided arms and intermediate clamps. On termination of procedure take a polyethylene film from under a cover of tank GTTS and pump over brake system (the Section Prorolling of hydraulic system see). Смойте traces of the spilt brake liquid also check up system on presence of signs of leaks.

Equipped ABS models


On the models equipped ABS, before рассоединением hydraulic brake lines without fail disconnect the storage battery. To connect the battery follows only after connection of all hydraulic lines of a brake path. Infringement of the given requirement is fraught with hit in the hydraulic modulator of air which removal in the course of usual prorolling of system is not obviously possible and demands use of a special electronic tester (VAG 1552).

Execute the procedures described in paragraphs with 1 on 6. If there is a necessity for a detachment of a brake tube from the hydraulic modulator or ГТЦ, it is necessary to concern with special attentiveness to immediate закупориванию the open ends of the dismembered path in order to avoid hit in inside components of air. Before tube connection fill it (and the union on a component) with a fresh brake liquid.