Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
- Brake system
   The general information
   System design, the description of separate knots and mechanisms
   Prorolling of hydraulic system
   Replacement of hoses and tubes of a hydraulic path of brake system
   Replacement колодок disk brake mechanisms of forward wheels
   Replacement of boots of drum-type brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Condition check, removal and installation of disks of forward brake mechanisms
   Removal, check of a condition and installation of drums of brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Removal, major repairs and installation of supports of brake mechanisms of forward wheels
   Removal, major repairs and installation of wheel cylinders of back brake mechanisms
   Removal, major repairs and installation of the main brake cylinder (ГТЦ)
   Removal and installation of a pedal of a foot brake
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of the vacuum amplifier of brakes
   Removal, check of a condition and installation of the control valve of the vacuum amplifier of brakes from a hose
   Adjustment of a lay brake
   Removal and installation of the lever of a lay brake
   Removal and installation of cables of a drive of a lay brake
   Check of serviceability of functioning, removal and installation of the valve-regulator of pressure in hydraulic contours of brake mechanisms of back wheels
   Removal, installation and adjustment of the gauge-switch of stoplights
   System of antiblocking of brakes (ABS) - the general information
   Removal and installation of components of systems ABS
   Removal and installation of the vacuum pump (diesel models)
   Check of a condition and major repairs of the vacuum pump (diesel models)
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Condition check, removal and installation of disks of forward brake mechanisms

Attentively familiarise with the preventions resulted in the beginning Replacement of hoses and tubes of a hydraulic path of brake system Has undressed.

Condition check


Replacement of disks is always made in steam for both brake mechanisms of the given axis in order to avoid loss of course stability of the car at braking.

1. Cock a lay brake, then поддомкратьте redock of the car and establish it on props. Remove corresponding forward wheels.
2. Slowly rotating a disk, attentively examine it from both parties on presence of deep scratches, задиров and cavities. It is possible not to pay attention to small roughnesses, in a case of revealing of serious defects the disk should be replaced.
3. Presence of stains of a rust and a brake dust on external edge of a surface of a disk is norm. At desire the disk can be smoothed out simply an emery paper. If on edge of a disk as a result of excessive deterioration of a working surface the step was formed, the thickness of a disk should be checked up with micrometer application. Measurement make in several points on disk perimetre as in a zone of contact with brake колодками, and out of it. The disk worn out below an admissible limit is subject to replacement.
4. With the help циферблатного a measuring instrument плунжерного type, or flat metal бруска and probeа лезвийного type estimate size of palpation of a disk, make sure that it does not exceed admissible value. The palpation size is measured on a circle located in 10.0 mm from external edge of a disk. If the result of measurement falls outside the limits admissible value, the disk also is subject to replacement, however, before make sure of serviceability of a condition ступичного the bearing.
5. Attentively examine a disk on presence of cracks, special attention giving to sites round apertures under wheel bolts. In case of revealing of defects replace a disk (together with opposite).



1. Turn out two bolts of fastening анкерной скобы a support of the brake mechanism to ступичной to assemblage. Remove a support from a disk and tie up its wire to a suspension bracket spring (try not to suppose a tension of a flexible brake hose).

2. Screw the fixing screw and remove a brake disk with ступичной assemblages. In case of hard landing of a disk обстучите it for clearing by a hammer with soft the brisk.



1. Track, that interfaced surfaces of a disk and a nave at installation were absolutely pure. At installation of a new disk remove from it solvent all traces of preservative.
2. Establish a disk on a nave and tighten with demanded effort the fixing screw.
3. Return on the regular place support assemblage - track correctness of placing brake колодок from both parties of a disk. Screw and tighten with demanded effort fixing bolts.
4. Establish into place a wheel, lower the car on the earth and tighten wheel bolts with demanded effort. Some times squeeze out a foot brake for усадки колодок on a disk, then can begin movement.