Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
- Engine repair
   + Repair without extraction from the car of the petrol engine of 1.3 l
   - Repair without extraction from the car of the petrol engine of 1.6 l
      The description of the basic knots and mechanisms
      Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in position of the top dead point (ВМТ) the end of a step of compression
      Check компрессионного pressure - an order of carrying out and interpretation of results
      Removal and installation of a belt of drive ГРМ and its covers
      Removal, check of a condition and installation of cogwheels and натяжителя a belt of drive ГРМ
      Removal, installation and adjustment of effort of a tension of a belt of a drive of auxiliary units
      Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders
      Replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft
      Replacement of epiploons of a cranked shaft
      Removal and installation of a head of cylinders in gathering with the inlet pipeline and a final collector
      Check of serviceability of functioning of hydraulic pushers
      Removal, check of a condition and flywheel installation
      Check of a condition and replacement of support of the power unit
      Removal and pallet installation картера the engine
      Removal and installation of the oil pump and маслозаборника
   + Repair without extraction from the car of the diesel engine
   + Dismantle of the power unit and engine major repairs
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Check компрессионного pressure - an order of carrying out and interpretation of results


1. At decrease in efficiency of return of the engine, and also in case of occurrence of admissions of ignition which do not manage to be adhered to infringements of functioning of systems of ignition and a food, it is necessary to make measurement компрессионного pressure in the cylinders which analysis of results will allow to define the general condition of the engine. Regular performance of check компрессионного pressure will help to reveal in time symptoms of malfunctions and to prevent development of their reasons.
2. The engine should be heated-up to normal working temperature, the battery is completely charged, all spark plugs are turned out. The help of the assistant Is required also.
3. Disconnect ignition system, having disconnected ВВ a wire of the coil from a cover of the distributor and having earthed it on the block of cylinders (take advantage of a wire-crosspiece).
4. In order to avoid damage каталитического the converter dump pressure in system of injection and disconnect the power supply system, having taken out the relay of the fuel pump (the Power supply system see the Head).
5. Connect компрессометр to a candle aperture of 1st cylinder (preferably to use a measuring instrument with a carving tip).
6. Ask the assistant to squeeze out against the stop a pedal of an accelerator and to turn the engine a starter. After first two проворачиваний a cranked shaft the instrument reading should reach the maximum value. Write down result.
7. Keeping a pedal of gas squeezed out against the stop, repeat measurement for the remained cylinders, write down results.
8. Pressure in all cylinders should be almost identical and lie in limits from 11 to 15 bar. In the indications, 2 bars exceeding value, it is necessary to consider a difference as an infringement sign. Remember that pressure in the serviceable engine should rise quickly enough. The low indication on the first step with its gradual increase at the subsequent, speaks about deterioration of piston rings. If pressure does not rise at all, it is necessary to check up tightness of closing of valves and a condition of a lining of a head of cylinders (the probability of formation of cracks in a head is not excluded also). The congestion of adjournment on the bottom surfaces of plates of valves also can cause loss компрессионного pressure.
9. Compare results of measurements to requirements of Specifications in the beginning of the present Chapter.
10. If results of measurements appear below admissible value, it is necessary to try to define the reason of loss of pressure. Bare of checks is injection through a candle aperture in the corresponding cylinder about one teaspoon of lubricating oil with the subsequent repetition of measurement компрессионного pressure.
11. If right after additions in the cylinder of oil pressure of compression is temporarily restored, it is necessary to estimate degree of deterioration of pistons, walls of cylinders and piston rings. Otherwise, it is possible to tell about infringement of tightness of closing of valves (for example, as a result прогара) or damage of a lining of a head of cylinders (or actually heads).
12. Equally low pressure in two next cylinders with the big degree of probability testifies to damage of the crosspiece of a sealing lining of a head located between them. Presence of a cooling liquid in impellent oil will confirm the given assumption.
13. If pressure in one of cylinders approximately on 20 % more low than in the others, and stability of turns of idling of the engine is slightly broken, the reason of the given phenomenon deterioration of a working ledge of a corresponding cam of a camshaft can be.
14. Excessively high компрессионное pressure testifies about strong нагарообразовании in combustion chambers. In this case it is necessary to remove and subject a head декарбонизации.
15. In summary, screw candles, establish to the place of the relay of the fuel pump and instal ignition system.