Skoda Felicia

Since 1994 of release

Repair and car operation

Shkoda Felitsija
+ Cars of mark Skoda Felicia
+ The maintenance instruction
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine repair
+ Systems of cooling, heating
+ The power supply system
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Coupling
+ Transmission
+ Power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   The general information and safety measures
   Removal and installation ступичных assemblages of forward wheels
   Replacement of bearings of forward wheels
   Removal and installation of racks of a forward suspension bracket
   Major repairs of racks of a forward suspension bracket
   Removal, major repairs and installation of the bottom levers of a forward suspension bracket
   Replacement of spherical support of the bottom levers of a forward suspension bracket
   Removal and installation of the stabilizer of cross-section stability of a forward suspension bracket
   Removal and installation of racks of a bar of the stabilizer of cross-section stability of a forward suspension bracket
   Removal and installation of a forward stretcher
   Replacement of bearings of back naves
   Removal, major repairs and installation of racks of a back suspension bracket
   Major repairs of racks of a back suspension bracket
   Removal, major repairs and installation of pins of the back bridge
   Removal and installation of the back stabilizer of cross-section stability
   Removal and installation of the back bridge
   Removal and steering wheel installation
   Removal and installation of a steering column
   Major repairs of a steering column
   Removal and installation of assemblage of the lock of ignition/blocking of a wheel
   Removal, major repairs and installation of the steering mechanism
   Replacement of rubber protective covers картера the steering mechanism
   Removal of air stoppers from a hydraulic path of system of strengthening of a wheel
   Removal and installation of the helmsman наcоса
   Removal and installation of external tips of steering draughts
   Removal and installation of steering draught
   Corners of installation of wheels of the car - the general information
+ Body and salon furnish
+ Onboard electric equipment


Corners of installation of wheels of the car - the general information

Controllability of the car and service life of protectors appreciably depend on clearness of base installations of geometry of a suspension bracket and a steering drive. Before to start adjustment of geometry of a suspension bracket make sure that tyres are pumped up with correct pressure, disks not погнуты, ступичные bearings are not worn out, and the steering drive is not stirred up. All suspension brackets defining geometry parametres are measured in градусных units (linear units can be applied to convergence definition [mm] also). The imagined line spent through an axis of a rack of a suspension bracket and continued before contact to the earth is meant an axis of turn of a wheel. The geometry of a forward suspension bracket is defined by four parametres.

As disorder is called the corner on which planes of wheels are rejected from a vertical. Disorder is called as positive when upper edges of wheels are rejected from a vertical outside. Otherwise speak about negative disorder. Disorder adjustment is not represented possible.

As corner of a longitudinal inclination of an axis of turn of a wheel is called the corner on which the axis of turn of a wheel is rejected from a vertical in a disk plane. The corner is considered positive when the axis is inclined by the top end back. The given parametre also is not subject to adjustment.

As convergence is called the size on which distances between forward and back edges of an inside of rims of disks of wheels differ. At positive convergence back edges of disks are placed more widely, than lobbies, and on the contrary. Adjustment of convergence of forward wheels is made at the expense of updating of length of steering draughts by отдавания or наворачивания external tips. Convergence of back wheels is not regulated.

As corner of a cross-section inclination of an axis of turn of a wheel is called the corner, between a vertical and the imagined line spent through support of a rack of a suspension bracket at a sight at the car in front or behind. Adjustment again is not provided.



In view of necessity of application for measurement of geometry of a suspension bracket of the precision equipment, it is necessary to charge performance of check and adjustment of parametres to experts of a car repair shop.

Adjustment of convergence of forward wheels


1. Convergence check is made by distance measurement between forward and back edges of internal rims of disks of wheels. Adjustment is carried out by updating of length of steering draughts.
2. For cleanliness of removed measurements the car should have net weight, i.e. to be unloaded at the filled fuel tank.
3. Before to start adjustment make sure that the car is completed by wheels of a demanded standard size, tyres are pumped up with correct pressure, disks not погнуты, ступичные bearings are not worn out, and the steering drive is not stirred up. Will rectify all revealed faults and infringements.
4. Park the car on an equal horizontal platform with a firm covering. Result forward wheels in rectilinear position, then shake a car body in front and behind for усадки suspension bracket components. Release a lay brake and roll away the car on 1 m back, then return it in former position - thus from components of a suspension bracket and a steering drive any residual stress should be removed.
5. Measure distance between forward edges of an inside of rims of disks of forward wheels at nave height, then repeat measurement, this time having measured distance between back edges of rims. Results of measurements should differ from each other on the size stipulated in Specifications (back edges of wheels should be placed more widely than lobbies).
6. In case of need convergence updatings, cock a lay brake, then поддомкратьте redock of the car and establish it on props turn a steering wheel to the left against the stop and count quantity of the bared coils of a carving from the external end of a bar of the left steering draught. Turn a wheel to the right and repeat measurement for the right draught. If results of measurement are identical to both draughts, convergence updating is made by navorachivanija/otvorachivanija external tips of draughts on identical quantity of coils. Otherwise it is necessary to compensate taking place distinction in the course of adjustment.
7. First of all clean a carving on the ends of steering draughts. In the presence of corrosion moisten draughts with special softening structure. Release external bandages of fastening of protective covers of the steering mechanism, delay them back and fill inside greasing to avoid twisting of covers at rotation of bars.
8. Arm with a measuring instrument of planeness and чертилкой mark position of bars of steering draughts in relation to the external tips, then fix bars and completely release counternuts.
9. Modify total length of draughts. Rotate bars рожковым the key which is put on on specially provided лыски. Reduction of length of draughts (вворачивание them in tips) will lead to reduction of convergence of wheels.
10. Having finished updating, fix bars of draughts and tighten counternuts of tips with demanded effort. Make sure of correctness of landing of hinges of tips in the reception nests and count quantity of the bared coils of a carving on bars of both draughts. If results of calculation for one bar differ from results another, hence adjustment has been made non-uniformly and one of wheels at fulfilment of turns can cling to a wheel arch. Besides, symmetry of landing of a steering wheel on a column shaft will be broken.
11. If the length of both draughts is identical, lower the car on the earth and repeat convergence check. In case of need repeat adjustment. Having achieved satisfactory result, definitively tighten counternuts of tips of draughts with demanded effort, and check up serviceability of landing of protective covers and fix their bandage tapes.

Check of parallelism of installation of the back bridge


1. Possibility of updating of geometry of a back suspension bracket on cars of the considered mark is not provided, however it is important to make sure of parallelism of the back bridge to a forward stretcher. For performance of the given check is better to take advantage of the special firm conductor of manufacturing of company Skoda.

And — the Center assembly скобы the back bridge
In — Directing apertures in a forward stretcher

2. Prop up wedges forward wheels, then поддомкратьте a back of the car and establish it on props.
3. Measure distance from back edge of a forward stretcher to a line spent through the centres assembly скоб of the back bridge. The given distance should be identical from both parties of the car. Otherwise parallelism of installation of the back bridge is broken and updating is required.
4. For updating performance ослабьте fixing bolts assembly скоб the bridge and in appropriate way displace arms. Having achieved satisfactory result, tighten fixture with demanded effort.
5. Make sure of correctness of adjustment, then lower the car on the earth.