Skoda FeliciaSince 1994 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Shkoda Felitsija + Cars of mark Skoda Felicia + The maintenance instruction + Routine maintenance + Engine repair + Systems of cooling, heating + The power supply system + Engine electric equipment + Coupling + Transmission + Power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body and salon furnish + Onboard electric equipment
Ammattimaista, laadukasta ja nopeaa palvelua rakennuspeltitöissä peltivh - Ammattimaista, laadukasta ja nopeaa palvelua. Peltityöt luotettavalta peltisepänliikkeeltä Pelti V.H Oy - Peltityöt ammattitaidolla
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Cars of mark Skoda Felicia In the market of Great Britain cars of mark Skoda Felicia have been presented for the first time in May, 1995, and have come in the stead of the retired popular representatives of model Favorit. Being modern model, Skoda Felicia has incorporated many characteristics of the parental group Volkswagen, different high reliability and using huge popularity all over the world.Among power units established on the given car a unique child of company Skoda is the petrol engine in volume of 1289 sm 3 with the top arrangement клапанного the mechanism (OHV), earlier used for a complete set at first models Estelle, and then Favorit and improved at the expense of application of system of central injection Bosch, or absolutely new multiitem system. Additional advantage of the engines equipped with system of multiitem injection, the advanced system of ignition without distributor application is. In the present Management, besides listed last updatings) are considered as well carburettor models 1.3 of l. In February, 1996 model 1.6 of l with the OHC-engine of manufacture of company Volkswagen, used for a complete set of models VW Polo for the first time has been presented. The klapannyj mechanism of the engine is equipped by hydraulic pushers not requiring adjustment. Fuel giving is carried out by system of the distributed injection. In May, 1997 diesel models 1.9 of l with the OHC-engine also used earlier on cars VW Polo have started to be issued. The engine differs the modernised system of "chamber" preheat, company Volkswagen working out. In July, 1997 insignificant updating of appearance of the car installation of the chromeplated lattice of the radiator which has become some kind of the card of new generation of family Felicia became which most appreciable moment has been made. In rack-mount type to a forward suspension bracket the Poppy-fersona screw springs and telescopic shock-absorbers are used. The basic components of a back suspension bracket are longitudinal levers, торсионная a bar, screw springs and telescopic shock-absorbers. Forward wheels of the car are equipped by disk brake mechanisms, back - drum-type. The hydraulic system of a drive of brakes consists of two independent contours. As an additional complete set can the system of antiblocking of brakes (ABS) is established. Depending on taste and requirements of users manufacturers offer the broadest choice entering as in standard, and additional to a complete set of knots and the systems, capable to satisfy any inquiries of consumers. So the car can be equipped by an electropackage, the uniform lock, driver's and passenger pillows of safety, air conditioner, etc. At correct leaving with observance of all norms and terms of the schedule of routine maintenance, car Skoda Felicia will please the owner with high reliability and profitability many and many hundreds kilometres of run.